Adventure Ahead! (5)

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~Adventure Ahead~

I feel as the once smooth ride turns a little bumpy, I peek my eyes open and look at where we are. A gravel road, kind of in the middle of nowhere.

"Are you sure this is the right way?" He asked, a chuckle of nervousness in his voice.

"Yup! Pretty soon you'll enter a small parking lot, just park there, we have to walk to rest of the way." He nods in understanding.


We make our way down the muddy path, ice is still layered on the rocks making it a bit difficult to navigate through but we survive.

Finally, I stop on the edge of the cliff. The light snow fall wraps the scenery and makes it look beautiful.

"Woah..." he whispered under his breath.

The beautiful woods with a thin layer of white, and a frozen lake with an abandoned old wooden cabin stood in our view. All so beautiful.

"What's that place?' He pointed at the house.

"That's been there for years, we've all just kind of agreed it's like a landmark here. We call it 'The old mans Cabin' because it belonged to an old man years ago." He nods in understanding and fascination.

"This is beautiful." He chuckles. I look down at his hand, unoccupied. I could just grab it but... that'd be weird, never mind, what a dumb idea. I look back up at him.

"Mhm, Nick and I like to go hiking here sometimes. We used to have picnics a lot, too. We should do that one of these days!" I spoke lightheartedly and he looked down, smiling goofily at me.

"Yeah, we should." He sat on a not ice covered rock and motioned for me to sit beside him. I did and we sat in the beautiful scene for a few minutes, just admiring it all. I caught him staring after a second.

"What do you wanna do next? Go look around town? Hang out at one of our houses? Up to you." He smiled and thought for a moment.

Finally, he spoke. "How about we stay at your place?"

I glanced up at the sky, trying to guess what time it was. Maybe around a little after noon? "Sure, but you'll wanna go home pretty soon after we get to my place since it looks like it's gonna snow storm tonight and it's a rather long drive."

He nods. "Yeah, yeah, totally.... or I could stay a little bit longer and wait out the snow?"

I roll my eyes. "PFT, sure. But it'll be around morning when it's probably died down."

"Oh, what a shame. I guess I'll just have to spend the night with you." He spoke sarcastically and I let out a chuckle as we hike back to the parking lot.

Once we got to the car, he drove again. He made his way weaving through town pretty good and I didn't have to remind him which way to get to home. We park in my front yard.

I glance over at him while we are getting out of the car and he looks a bit nervous. Finally, he speaks. "You wanna, maybe, Invite Nick or someone over for our little slumber party tonight?"

I smile. "Sure!" He relaxes and I open the front door. "I'll stop by in a minute and harass him into coming." He smiles and closes the door once he walks in. He leans down and lets my pet Cat.

"I'll go too. C'mon." I barely manage to set my keys and wallet down when he grabs my hand and leads me back out the door and to the house next door.

"Okay, okay,. Clay, chill!" He giggles as we ring the doorbell. No response.

I roll my eyes and pick up the key he hides under a rock. "He said if he's ever not answering and he's home to just go on in. He's probably asleep or watching a movie or something." I unlock the door.

We take a step in and I open my mouth the speak but Clay hushes me and points to the couch. The cutest sight befalls be.

Nick and Karl cuddled together sleeping. A blanket messily draped across both, half on the two of them, the rest on the floor. Karl is leaning on Nick and Nick is holding him carefully, their eyes lidded and breathes steady.

I look over at Clay and he's smiling like a dork. "I really thought you were lying about them..." he whispered to me as we made our way to the door.

Once it was shut we made our way back to my house, not wanting to disturb them. "Why?" I chuckled.

He rubbed the back of his neck a little nervously. "Just... I dunno. You seem like a trickster."

I put my hand to my chest and act offended. "Wow, okay Mr. New-in-town."

He rolls his eyes and we make it back to my house. "Guess it's just us then." He looked a bit nervous.

"I can invite someone else over if you'd like. I don't want you to be uncomfortable." I grew more worried and decided to just pop the idea.

"No, no. I wanna stay here tonight, kinda like a little sleep over!" His mood suddenly changes, hiding the anxiety. I feel better knowing he's okay.

"Great." I smile and he smiles back. I flop onto the couch and he sits on the other one.

"So, uhhh. Is everyone here just gay?" I nearly choke as he asked.

"What do you mean?" He chuckles nervously.

He avoids eye contact. "Well- Darryl and Zak, Minx and Niki, Nick and Karl...." he went on and it was hard to tell whether he was uncomfortable because of it or just genuinely curious.

"Um, no one here really cares about sexual orientation. We just let people do what they want, really. All love I guess, like a big family." He smiles to himself as I explained.

"That's nice, a big lovely family. Only acceptance. That's good to hear." He sat up and moved to the seat next to me. "I like it here." He scooted closer and I couldn't help myself but scooted closer as well.

"Yeah, it's a nice little home." He hummed in agreement and I leaned my head against his shoulder, getting a bit exhausted. "Y'know, every year we have this big cookout at someone else's house, this year is Nick's turn. The entire neighborhood is invited. It's this Friday too! I'm sure they weren't gonna tell you about it since you're new, but would you like to come?" He thought for a moment.

"Well, if I'm not invited I don't wanna go and ruin the fun. I might next year though." He responded, brushing it off.

I was still resilient. "Well, you can come as my guest?" He opened his mouth to speak but I cut him off. "Or you can refuse my generous offer and stay at home with your artistic room while I go party it up." He smiled stupidly.

"Fine, I'll go. Only if you drive, though." He giggles in a sarcastic voice that I don't catch onto.

"Clay, it's literally across the street..." he stares at me with a 'really' look on his face. "Ohhhhh, you were joking." He flicks the back of my head.

"Yes, dork." We giggle and I stuff my face into his shoulder, exhaustion resting upon me. Within a minute, I'm out.

Wholesome, cute. I might be on a slight break and updates might take a while, sorry.

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