Board Games and Pillow Fights. (6)

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I wake up and smile into Clay's neck. I snuggle closer to him and open my eyes, only then realizing what I did and who it was. I nearly jump up and scream but hold it in. His hand is on my head, holding me nicely, and he is asleep.

I cuddle a bit closer. I like being close to him... I think I might actually... well- like like him... the realization hits the moment he wakes up, peeking his eyes open and smiling at me.

"G'mornin!" He admires me and hugs me.

I wonder if this is a real crush. Does he reciprocate it?" Slight worry fills my eyes as he holds me.

"You all good?" He loosens his grip  and I smile at him, hiding the worry.

"Yeah. I'm good." I hear him let out a breath as I stare out the window across the street to his house.

He clears his throat, a bit nervous. "Hey, George?" He begins.

"Yeah?" I keep my eyes out the window and he readjusts a little.

"Do you like it when I..." he pauses and moves his hand on top of mine, clenching it softly. "Do this?" He means holding my hand. Hell yeah I don't mind. I'd like you to hold me ever closer.

"Mhmm." I smile a bit and lean my head against his shoulder.

"What about if I-" I cut him off by jumping  up when I see Nick and Karl walking through my front yard to the door through the window, I rush over and open it for them to hurry in.

"Karl! Nick! It's freezing out there, what are y'all doing?!" They smile a bit goofily.

"Sorry Gogy, we decided to come over and see if you wanted to play some- who's he?" Karl interrupted himself and pointed over at Clay. Clay waved a little anxiously.

I realized they hadn't properly met."Karl, this is Clay. The new neighbor!" Karl smiles and holds out his hand from him as he gets up from the couch.

"Nice to meet you. I'm Karl." He speaks.

"He knows that, dumbass." Nick flicks his forehead and giggles, Clay shakes his hand smiling.

"Nice to meet you too!" He replies cheerfully.

Nick walks over to me and pulls me in for a hug. "Yeah, we were just wondering if you were down to play some board games, it's gonna be a boring day, I just can't wait till tomorrow! The party is finally going to be at my house!" He announces proudly 

"Yeah we get it, Clay's coming by the way. I invited him as my personal guest. And also, I have a few board games but I also just bought the newest Mario kart so we could do that too." I talked as I made myself some coffee.

"Hell yeah!" Karl and Nick spoke at the same time and collapsed onto the couch in a fit of giggles. They turn on my TV and begin playing, they've been here so many times it's almost like they live here and I'm fine with that. I hand Clay a cup of coffee and sit beside him while we watch the two play a game.

"So Clay, how's it been? Do you like the neighborhood?" Karl asked while throwing a shell at Nick and getting in front of him in the game.

Clay takes a sip. "It's nice. I've gone all over town with George and it's just amazing. Everyone is really nice too."

"That's good! Are you and George close? We all have each other here but there's always someone we hang out with the most." I feel myself blush as Karl continues to ask.

He just got here, I'm one of his only friends, I wouldn't consider myself his best friend or anything...

"Yeah! Me and George are really close. I consider him the closest friend I've ever had!" I can't hide the blush and just try to ignore it, but the goofy smile pushes through.

Nick giggles. "Heh, aww. That's sweet." He lets out a groan of frustration as he gets 3rd place and Karl gets 1st.

"AHAHA! EAT THAT BITCH!" Karl gloats and Nick throws a pillow at him, starting an all out pillow war.

"No! George help me!" Nick screams as Karl and Clay team up against him. I tackle Clay with a pillow and start softly hitting him with it.

I giggle as does Clay, we gently hit each other with pillows just goofing around. I love this moment.

I feel someone tug on my hoodie, I get pulled backwards onto the couch and fall on top of Nick.

"Aha! We won!" Karl brags and throws a pillow at us. Him and Clay chuckle and help us up so we can play another round.

"Whoever loses has to buy pizza." Nick adds and I roll my eyes, silently agreeing with everyone else.


I lose. We agreed to do best two out of three, I lost all three.

"Alright I'll get a large pepperoni and a small cheese, should I get anything else?"

"MOZZARELLA STICKS!" Karl shouts and I roll my eyes, writing it down.

Once I order the food, I take a break from gaming and watch them play. I sit beside Clay and get lost in thought. He's such a good person. I'm glad I have him. I feel myself lean against him while he plays which causes him to mess up and lose, Nick beating him.

"AHAHA! LETS MCFREAKING GOOO! HOW DOES IT FEEL, CLA-" He turns around to throw a pillow at Clay but stops when he sees me leaning against him. "Oh. You only lost cause George, eh?" Clay stayed silent, I couldn't see his face but he felt really warm. Nick chuckled. "Alright Georgitta, do that again next round and I'll help you pay for the pizza."

Oh hell yes! Being close to Clay AND getting help paying, definitely.

The next game starts and I do what he said, I lean against him, snuggle against his shoulder, get all close and personal causing him to, yet again, lose.

"Georgeeeeeee." Clay whines and pushes me off him. "Stop it! You're making me lose! I need bragging rights." He giggles and pulls me back against his shoulder, welcoming me to be close again. At least he's fine with it....


After hours of playing and messing around, eating and Nick almost dying to Karl's fist in his stomach, we depart.

"Well, see you tomorrow at four! Apparently there'll be a warmth rush tonight and most of the snow will be melted so it'll probably be outdoors! Don't forget to bring the cookies, Georgitta." Nick chuckles as he waves. Karl follows suit, flipping me off as a goodbye, I return the gesture.

Clay chuckles nervously as he throws away some empty pizza boxes in my kitchen. I expected him to want to leave soon since he hasn't been home in over a day but he's trying to stall. "Sooo, fun day." He smiles and I smile back, unable to hide it.

"Yeah, they're dumb sometimes." I giggle and we sit on the couch a little awkwardly.

"So, what's the party going to be like?" He asks after a few moments.

I think. "It'll probably be pretty interesting. Nick hasn't hosted before so who knows, he might hire a clown, I wouldn't be surprised." We chuckle, "I'm sure it'll be chill as usual." He smiled and nodded.

"Thanks for inviting me, I felt that it would be weird to go but I can't wait." He looks a bit to the side.

"I'm glad you're going too." We remain silent for a few minutes.

He takes a deep breath. "Do you, uhh- wanna play a board game?"

"Sure but we already played all of mine."

He hesitates and speaks again. "I have, um, the game 'Spoons' at my house, if you'd maybe wanna come and play a few rounds." He looks even more to the side, avoiding to face me.

I smile, even though he can't see it.

"I'd like that."


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