Grasping on the feeling. (4)

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(I didn't read over this cause I'm sleepy but I might later, just lmk for any errors pls.)

I peak my eyes open to rays of light shining through the blinds in my window. I sit up in bed and grab my phone, checking the time. 8:12am I can go see Clay! I immediately jumped out of bed at the thought and began my process of getting ready.

Once my teeth were cleaned and my clothes were on I waltzed over to my kitchen where I fed my pet Cat. I check the time again, anxious to see Clay again. 8:34am shit it's still too early... I stood up and stared out my window, I rolled on my heels as I stared. It took me a second to realize I was staring at Clay's house. I smile at the thought of seeing him soon.

Suddenly, lost in thought, I see his window curtains get drawn back and he is standing, staring out of them. He is slightly smiling and he looks over at the window I was staring through. Our eyes met. We both awkwardly smiled and waved at each other. After a few seconds of making hand motions and mouthing incomprehensible words we both decided to go over to his house earlier than planned.

"George!" He ran up to me on my way to his house, halfway across the street, ready to spread his arms and wrap me in a hug but hesitated. We are still new friends, even after getting along so well it's too soon... I guess...

"Clay!" I smile and walk next to him heading for his home and our hands brush each other as we walk. He giggles so cute and opens the door for me.

"So, uh..." he had a question and took a peek out his window. "I met with Zak and Darryl yesterday but who is the person on the other side of your house? Cause the one on the left is Nick, and the left of Nick is Zak and Darryl, who is on your right? And who's the sweet girl on my right, too? She came over last night and gave me a peach pie!" He pointed out each building in the questions. I chuckle and stand beside him while explaining.

He pulls up chairs for us to sit. I point as I explain who lives where. "So the person on my right is a guy named Karl. Just gonna say, you didn't hear this from me, but he's totally got the hots for Nick and Nick does too." He laughs at that and I chuckle with him. "They're best friends, and the girls on your right-"

"Girls?" He asks and I nod.

"Niki and Minx!" He looks a bit surprised yet still smiles.

(I don't ship any of these extra ships but I thought it'd be nice to include these, but since they won't be such a big deal I'm just gonna use the names I know them by.)

I continue to speak. "They've lived here for around a month, actually. We don't know them too well but they're really nice. Niki is probably the one that came over and gave you the pie since Minx is kind of a jerk and wouldn't do that unless it was poisoned or was for Niki." He laughs again. I love his laugh, it's so nice to know I made him happy. I look out the window instead of staring at him trying to ignore my reddening face.

"So, um..." he gets really awkward easily. I smile at the thought of anxious Clay. "Wanna, go get some... breakfast?" I light up and he seems surprised by my sudden burst of joy.

"Yes yes yes!" I grab his hand and drag him out to the yard and try to get him to the car. He chuckles.

"Okay okay! I'll go get my keys and lock the door, you stay right here." I giggle.

He walks off and I move back and forth on my heels, anticipating the day out again. I don't notice myself shivering from the cold until Clay comes back out and hands me a overcoat along with putting a scarf around my neck. I blush as he helps me into the large coat and opens the passenger door for me. I brush it off and turn it into a joke.

"Such a gentlemen." I coo and he hesitates before responding.

"Only for you." He says. I laugh and hide my face by turning to stare out the window as he jumped into the driver seat.

He lets out one of those fake coughs and begins to speak again whilst driving to town. "So... Nick and Karl, huh?" I giggle.

"Don't you dare tell Nick I said that!" I slap his shoulder lightly and he chuckles.

"Alright I won't. But do they actually?" He seems to not trust me 100% so I roll my eyes.

"Oh yeah. This happened last week, Nick and I went to buy some soda for Karl's birthday celebration and in the store Nick wanted to buy him this really cool matching black ring so I was like, go for it. But he got too embarrassed and didn't get them. Then, at the party, Karl gave Nick the matching ring saying it was a 'sign of their friendship'." I spoke and Clay scoffed.

"What an idiot." He spoke and I giggled.

"Honestly, he has such a soft spot for him but tried to hide it. It's so funny." He chuckled slightly as I explained.


We got a quick fast and simple breakfast and decided afterwards to hit the road again, we just wanted to mess around more so we didn't have to say goodbye.

He smiled as he drove, I wasn't looking at the road I was just staring at him. He looked over at me, catching me staring. He smiled more and let out a soft chuckle, I hid myself again hoping he didn't bring it up.

We remained silent for a few minutes. One hand was on the steering wheel, the other resting on the middle console, next to mine. He slowly moved it over and put his thumb over the back of my hand, caressing it. He just has a way with my heart, Jesus Christ.... I blushed and he moved his hand more onto mine. I gave in and we wrapped our fingers around each other's. This is the same guy that was too nervous to hug me earlier.

I smile into the scarf that rests on my neck, slightly risen up to my chin. I feel his eyes glance over at me a few times as I stare out the window and look at the passing nature. My head rests in my hand which rests on its elbow. My other hand is still attached to his and doesn't threaten to let go, neither does his.

"Ummm, George?" I look over at him, worried he might be weirded out. Instead he has a confused yet amused face and is watching the road.

"Yeah?" I ask and he chuckles nervously.

"Where..." he lets out a breathy laugh. "Where are we going?" I look out the window again and realize, we're on the interstate. (is it.. perhaps, paved with memories?)

"Umm, Clay how long have you even been driving?" He chuckled.

"Um, I don't know I was distracted." He smiled trying to hide his embarrassed expression. I sit up and look out the big window.

"It's fine." I giggle and he seems to not be as embarrassed. "This looks familiar to me anyways, take your next left and then go straight. There is something that way that I wanna show you."

He smiles and speaks sarcastically. "Eye eye captain." I feel him squeeze my hand a little bit and I chuckle and respond by squeezing back.

The little gesture means a lot. It's not only a friendly way of messing with you but also kind of double checking it's okay, and by that I am aware he has no issues with holding my hand. To be fair, he initiated it. I watch him as he turns left. And I feel more than comfortable in his grasp. I sigh, pleased, and lean my chair back, closing my eyes and ignoring my surroundings. This is a nice moment, let's cherish it...

Oop kinda wholesome ngl

Anyways like I said I don't really ship anything other than Dnf and Skephalo, obviously, but I prefer Karlnap than Karlnappity or any other ships with Sapnap. And Minx x Niki is just cause my best friend likes that ship. Anyways hope you enjoy!

Stay comfortable!

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