Part 1: New Client

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Another day, another client.

He had finished two or three other sessions this morning and afternoon and apparently had a special client this evening. His boss was exceptionally excited at the amount of money he would receive by evenings end. He had found out the bastard paid ten grand for an evening. His mouth fell open after hearing the amount. This freak would probably want to do some crazy shit, and Angel was tired but curious. Who pays that much for a night with a whore? Beats him.

He got ready at the studio. The guy was going to pick him up there and drive him to his home, and he didn't want any prying eyes. Eh~ Angel sprayed his hair one more time and touched up his makeup. He was in his best lingerie and most provocative dress and heels. The john didn't say specifically what he wanted him to wear but he tried his best. A clawed hand rested on his shoulder and gave a squeeze.

"Angel, you don't disappoint me baby. Give him exactly what he wants, you hear me?" A long trail of smoke floated past angels face and he nodded.

"Of course, Mistah Valentino, he's paying good." He applied more mascara and ignored the glare of the heart shaped sunglasses.

"Good boy," and like that he was gone.

He sighed and rolled his eyes, fluffed his hair, and looked in the mirror. He was fucking gorgeous.

He heard a knock at the door. Angel opened it and looked down at a short imp who nodded at him.

"Good evening madame, the limo is waiting for you."

"Eh, okay but I'm a man, got it toots?" He hated it when they called him a female.

"Oh! I apologize" He shook his head and walked to the front door and outside to the limo. The short imp opened the door for him.

They drove past many old buildings to a ritzier part of town, beautiful structures rose commemorating lost souls that died during extermination. He checked his hair in his compact mirror and sighed. He glanced out the window as the limo pulled into a broken-down building. He gawked at the old structure in shock. Did the guy give his life savings to have sex with him? He noticed the roof had fallen in and cracks had opened up under the building, rocks had fallen and crushed any beautiful, carved décor on the outside and everything was overgrown now.

The imp opened the limo door and smiled at Angel.

"Well, here we are." He didn't look the slightest disturbed.

Angel gawked at the place.

"This is it? This place is in ruins. You're telling me this is where the rich bastard lives? Wait- are you taking me for ransom?-" Angel started freaking out.

"Calm down, Mr. Dust. Not all exterior is the same as interior, and also Mr. Nicolaide would not have any reason to ransom you. He is well off. Now, follow me please." The imp chuckled a bit at the idea of ransom. Angel looked around, holding his purse close and looking around carefully. They walked up the path to the entrance and the imp opened the door, letting him in. The foyer was empty, as was the entire room beyond, destroyed and trashed. Angel was taken aback and went to say something when the imp turned to the wall, tapping a small circle before it turned over to a keypad and typed in a very long code. He turned and smiled as the foyer went down, a sort of elevator. Angel was in shock as he felt the ground move down, and he squeaked. The floor slowed to a stop and the imp showed the way.

The space was clean and smooth, beautiful marble floor and a dark, tall ceiling made of red hell stone. He mouth gaped open as he followed the imp to a large, open space with white couches and a huge aquarium of fish. In the middle sat a young guy in a pink hoodie and black pants, playing video games on the huge tv in the middle. He looked at the boy curiously. He was human-like, soft blue-white skin, blue hair that was flipped to the side, intense black eyes, and black cat ears poked out as well as a long black fluffy cat tail. He played the game, Hell's Order, which Angel recognized after seeing Cherri play many times. He was good as far as he could tell, swishing his tail as he focused more as he finished off the final boss. He laughed.


Angel looked confused as he stared at the boy. He couldn't be more than seventeen. He turned to Angel and smiled.

"Thanks Jerry, you brought him in." The imp dismissed himself with a bow.

Angel stared at the boy now staring at him.

"C'mon, let's play."

Angel smiled and leaned in for a kiss before the boy shoved a controller in his hands.

"I was bored so I needed a friend. My name's Cree Nicolaide, pleasure to meet you Angel Dust," He grinned at him before looking at his clothes.

"Dude, what are you wearing?" He looks confused.

Angel widened his eyes in surprise.

"What do you mean what am I fucking wearin'?! I thought you wanted to fuck?" Angel is confused and a little shocked at this whole situation. "I'm a porn star! You paid my boss like ten thousand dollars to have me for a while and I thought we'd be sleeping together! And you pick me up in a limo and bring me to an underground penthouse to play video games?!" His voice is a little pitched by the end and Cree looks taken aback before smiling and shaking his head.

"And you have a problem with that?" He challenged the spider with the question. Angel stopped to look at him. The boy stared back, grinning at him.

"Erm...I guess not," Angel looked embarrassed.

"Hey, hey, it's cool. I've got some extra hoodies and leggings in that room over there," he pointed to the door to the left of the tv, "change into something comfy." He winked at Angel and flopped on the couch.

Angel gave a confused look before obeying. He walked into the large room with curtained walls and huge ancient armoires and dressers, as well as a huge king-sized bed, everything was themed cozy rich boi house. At least that's what Angel thought of. It was strange to see smooth white marble with dark red hellstone. He dug through the dresser and found what he was looking for. What the fuck kind of client was this? Was this some kind of gaming kink? He didn't understand really but he had to make the client happy. He changed behind the huge, Japanese style divider meant for changing. He folded his other clothes and set them on top of the vanity chair. He didn't fail to notice the face paint and makeup on the vanity. Good taste.

He walked out in a white hoodie with a beautiful fish on the front and black leggings, opting out the heels for soft socks. Cree barely looked up, laying on the couch as he played another game. Angel plopped on the couch next to him and ran a hand in his hair. Cree pushed a controller to Angel.

"So, you really hired me to play video games with you?" Angel asked.

"Yeah, I get bored here and wanted someone to play with," He stared at the screen as he talked, "so I hired you to hang out with me."

"And spend ten grand to play video games? Your old man's gonna kill you." Angel laughed.

"My dad's dead. And I'm not a kid you know, I'm like 19 years old." He focused as he shot down three at a time. Angel stared at him.

"Okay, but why me? You could play video games with anyone for a much cheaper price y'know."

"You seemed cool, saw you on tv, shooting people, and wanted to meet the infamous Angel Dust. I knew for a good price your dumb boss would free up your busy schedule. So I thought why not and made a call." He stared at the screen as he completed the game.

Cree stopped and made a new game.

"Okay, gonna teach ya to play now."

Drawing by: u/funktilda on reddit

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