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Ayla hated conflict, especially when it involved her. Maybe that's why she has been really good at deflecting certain topics when asked about it, or how she can easily change subject and have everyone jump in quickly. Although it never really worked with her parents, they always found ways to bring it things up no matter how many times it was dropped.


Stream Highlights : illuminayla
Opening up the Forms


"I love how they just added a disclaimer on top that there's a chance it's gonna be in a video." Indi laughs.

"We stan consent here." I said smiling at chat. "Oh, y'all should check the commands for forms, I linked the person who invited me to the forms." I propped my leg up on my chair.

It was Indi's first time seeing the forms, which is why she was laughing so hard seeing all the questions.

"There's choices on which photo they should upload?!" She exclaims.

"It's to avoid getting cat-fished again." I said letting out a laugh.

She looks at me shaking her head. "Your fans are amazing what the fuck. Guys find me a girlfriend too okay?" She says jokingly.


"You just got jabaited." Indi laughs at my demise.

We both decided to read the answers first then the photo for last. Of all the people who answered, we decided on reading instead opening the photo.

"Of all the chances, oh my fucking god." I shake my head, embarrassed. As I read through chat as they all were spamming emotes.

"I don't know why but seeing you like this makes me happy." Indi spoke up.

I snap my attention towards her, "I hate you." I pouted at her, knowing she was kidding.

"I hate men, where's the women who answered?" I asked no one in particular.


"Wait holy shit, I didn't know dream answered this." I said, just as I deleted the previous form.

Indi let out a snort, "Are we getting a dream face reveal?" She asks looking at the chat. "Why is everyone spamming he's here." She adds.

I snapped my attention to my other monitor, checking if he was actually there. "Oh god, how long have you been here?" I asked opening his chat logs.

All he says was check discord.

"Am I allowed to show the photo to chat." Was the first thing that came out of my mouth as he joined the voice channel.

"Yeah, it's fine." He says, which made me think it's not gonna be showing his face. "Are we actually just gonna see a blob?" Indi asked, which led him wheezing.

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