p2, Chapter 23

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*sometime this weekend I'm going to go through and edit the mistakes in the last few chapters and this one*

Sunday night I was nuzzle back into my bed as the kids slept soundly. Finally time to relax. I had felt like I hadn't relaxed in forever. Sighing I flipped the tv on and surfed through the channels. With nothing else to watch I left it on a news station and laid my back against the headboard.
"In sports news the world has finally found out where Mr. Colby Lopez, also known as Seth Rollins had disappeared too. That's right, prison. Stay tuned as we go into deeper details." the tv rung making me suddenly feel sick to my stomach.

I got up and paced back and forth before turning the tv off completely. Walking to the hallway I found myself in the bathroom hunched over the toilet puking. When I felt a hand be placed on my back and my hair being moved from my face I knew it was Turk.

"Thanks." I say wiping my mouth and setting on the ground fighting for air.

He nodded before shutting the door and setting with me, "Are you okay?"

"I will be." I assured him.

"Is it what I think it is.." He trailed off.

"Baby don't worry. I'm fine. I just saw something that made me sick. I promise." I smiled placing my forehead against his.

"I love you mom." He whispered.

"I love you too."

After Turk helped me to my bedroom I sat up with my pen and notepad. Right as I pressed my pen to the paper my cell phone street ringing. Smiling when I saw the name i answered.

"I thought I retired Mark!"

"You did, but we need you tomorrow. It's going to be in North Dakota so it's not that far. Everyone wants to see you plus it's going to be a little reunion. Dean and Roman will be there, Cena, Orton, even April is showing up."

"Okay, but remember.."

"You write your own lines I know!" Mark laughed.

"Good boy. Why don't you give Paul a call? He needs to be there with me."

"Will do boss." Mrs said before hanging up, making me chuckle.

I scrolled through my contacts until I found Faaith's number. Dialing it a waited.

"Yeah?" Dean asked.

"Let me talk to Faith." I said.

"Yes ma'am!" He chuckled.

I rolled my eyes and laughed.

"Took you long enough to call me bitch!" Faith cackled into the phone.

"Sorry, I've been busy with the kids and everything."


"Don't be angry!" I said in a baby voice, "Hah, are you going with Dean to the RAW reunion tomorrow?"

"Depends, are you going."

"Hell yeah! I haven't whooped some ass in awhile."

"Then yeah, I'll go. I just didn't want to have to hang out with the bitchy Bella's again.."

"Don't be mean!" I yelled.

"Sorry.." She chuckled.

"Well, I'll let you go. I can't wait to see your impregnated self!!"

"I can't wait to see you either!"

"Love you!"

"Love you too."

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