p2, chapter 18

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*I kinda rushed this so I didn't get time to proofread/edit. excuse mistakes.*

Layla and I laughed as Seth read the warning labels on every single stroller Babies 'R Us had.

"At least he's being cautious about this." Layla cackled hitting my arm slightly.

I shook my head and walked over to Seth. As he saw me he gave me a weak smile before continuing reading the back of the box. I couldn't help but let the forming smile show on my lips. It was cute, he wanted to make sure our baby boy had the best of the best, as did I.
"Colby, baby, we already have two strollers at home. I think we'll be just fine with those." I told him placing my hand on his back.

"Babe, hes going to grow. We need to be prepared for it." He suggested lifting another box up.

Grabbing the box I placed it on the ground carefully before pulling Seth away from the strollers.

"We will worry about it when the time comes."

"What happens if it's too late?"

I turned around giving Seth a glare. Almost immediately he shut his mouth and began smiling.

"I'm being ridiculous, sorry. I just- I want to be a good dad."

I got on my tippy toes and placed a soft kiss aging his lips, "You are an amazing dad."

"I know." He winked as we began walking again.

As the hours went by I watched as Seth took every precaution he could. It wasn't until we were about to go pay when we saw Leighla with a young girl. I think she attempted to walk away unnoticed but I spoke up.

"Leighla? How are you."

Turning around her and the little girl walked over to us with a smile on her face.

"I'm well, how are you guys doing?" She asked.

"Good. Just some last minute baby shopping." I smiled.

Seth dug his phone out of his pocket and began scrolling through it. Turning it to Leighla he showed her a picture of our sweet boy.

"He's my world." Seth said quietly.

"Awh, he looks just like you Colby." She cooed.

Seth nodded as I bent down to the little girl hiding behind Leighla's leg.

"And who is this pretty girl?" I asked smiling.

"Alicia."The girl said quietly as she looked at me, then to Seth.

"My daughter." Leighla spoke patting Alicia's head.

"Ah," I stood up, "I see. So are you and her father together?"

Leighla shook her head looking to the ground.

"I'm sorry. I don't mean to be nosy." I apologized.

"It's fine. He left before I had the chance to tell him I was pregnant.."

Bringing Leighla into a hug I held on to her feeling completely stupid for bringing it up. As we left go I gave her shoulders a soft squeeze before giving her a sweet smile.

"We should go. My sister is supposed to be meeting up with us soon." Leighla explained.

"Understandable," I smiled, "See y'all around."

She nodded as they both walked away silently.

*Leighla's POV*

As Alicia and I got into the car I looked back to see her smiling from ear to ear. Deep down I knew what it was. She had always known who her father was, she looked up to him actually. But she knew at the time he wasn't able to be a father, he didn't know how to be one. I told her one of these days she would meet him but I wasn't sure if he needed to know the truth. I just had no idea it would be in the middle of Babies 'R Us.

I pulled out of the parking lot and faintly felt a single tear slip out of my eye. Seth was Alicia's father, yes. I found out the day he had left for NXT. It was already too late. He mad his decision. As for his cousin and I, that was a one time thing. I miss Colby and had no one to turn to. Going to his cousins house I never intended for us to sleep together, it just happened.

"Mommy, why are you crying?" Alicia's tiny voice asked me.

"I don't know baby." I lied.

"It's because of daddy isn't it?"

I nodded my head as more tears cascaded over my face.

"Don't worry. It's going to be okay." She assured me.

Looking back I saw my beautiful four year old with the biggest smile on her.

"You're not sad because daddy doesn't know you?" I asked.

"Nope. I'm happy." She smiled bigger.

"Why's that?"

She paused for a second, "Because he finally learned how to be a daddy."

*Ashley's POV*

After we dropped everything off at the house we drove to the hospital to see our little bean. Layla had decided she was going to stay to pack her stuff though. Vince called, they needed back on the main roster as soon as possible. I was kinda sad. Layla and I had formed quite the friendship over days of her being here. I was defiantly going to miss her, but it was time for Seth and I to be alone.

We sat in the waiting room as I fumbled with my fingers impatiently.

"What's wrong?" Seth asked.

"Normally they let us go straight back there. What if somethings wrong?!" I said tapping my foot on the hard floor.

"Don't worry everything is fine." he assured me.

Of course he was right. A young nurse walked over to us with a giant smile on her face, "Please follow me."

We did as she said, but as we walked by Ajax's room I began to get nervous again.

"Ma'am did you guys move him?" I asked.

She stopped in front of a door ad smiled before opening it. I cover my mouth as I began crying. Ajax was laying on an open topped bed not hooked to any machines as he wiggled around playfully. Running through the door I immediately scooped him up in my arms and held him close to me.

"It's a miracle." Seth said as he stood behind me.

I nodded my head slowly as I looked to the ceiling.

"Thank you." I whispered before placing a soft kiss on his tiny forehead.

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