Coming out

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some more arc-v for yall

i wrote yoot coming out to his fam so i decided to write everyone else and for yoot hes comin out to shun and ruri and kaito cause like. the xyzs gang are probs his friends so like yeah. plus i wanted to write kaito after like-i kid you not-2 years of not watching yugioh zexal or the arc-v episodes hes in.

anyways heres our bois


Yuri took a deep breath. He was supposed to be a role model to his brothers, and what kind of roll model would he be if he was scared of...talking to his parents?

Well, not just talking. He was coming out. Even for him, this was stressful. Moreso than it probably should be, but who could blame him? He didn't even know if his parents would accept him. He knew they were left-leaning, from conversational snippets he overheard, but there was nothing about being queer. Plus, some people would support the L, G, or T, but the B might be another issue seeing as some saw bisexuals as slutty or promiscuous. 

Yuri only hoped that wasn't the case with his parents.

He sat down at the table, his mom and dad sitting across from him. "...I have something to tell you two." He started.

Yusho-his dad-raised an eyebrow. "What is it now, son?"

The fusion user took another breath. "I....I'm bisexual."

There was a brief silence, then, "..what?" His mom asked.

"I like both men, and women. It's...I'm certain it is not a phase, a-and..." His confidence faltered, but he swallowed and kept going. "...I understand if you hate me for it. But this," Yuri motioned to himself, a bit dramatically "Is who I am."

His mom just leaned over the table and pulled Yuri into a tight embrace. "I'm glad you decided to tell us, Yuri." She said, with a smile. "And, for the record, we accept you."

Yuri was...honestly a bit shocked. But mainly relieved. He hugged back, letting tears of joy flow down his face. "T-thank you... I honestly thought you wouldn't. Is that bad?"

His dad chuckled. "Honestly? A bit. Yuri, you can trust us with anything. But just to make this clear this does mean we're not letting you have your door closed when you have a friend over."

Yuri rolled his eyes. "Dad, I'm 14. I'm not going to be having sex anytime soon."

"I know, still-"

The teen smiled. This...went better than expected.


Yuto ran his fingers through his hair, combing it before spiking it up. His yellow-and-blue roots were visible. Great. He needed to re-dye his hair.

He adjusted his uniform and cape, accessorizing with his studded collar and wristbands. He looked at himself in the mirror.

He looked like a boy.

Yuto smiled. Sure, he was still planning on taking T and getting the surgery, but he passed. For now. He took his phone and quickly made his way to the park. 

He felt stares. The weird looks of strangers as they tried to figure out who-no, what-he was. It's why he hated being in public. Yuto hunched over, looking at the ground all the way to the park.

When he got there, he looked up and saw his three friends just hanging by the playground, with Kaito's litter brother running around it and playing on the different things.

He took a deep breath. He can do this.

Yuto walked up to them, giving a small wave. Ruri enthusiastically waved back. "Hi Yuta!!!"

Shun nodded in a greeting, while Kaito gave a wave much like Yuto's own. "Hey. You wanted to talk to us?"

Yuto nodded. "Y-yeah. Um...Promise not to hate me?"

Shun gave him a look. "Buddy. There's no one I can hate more than myself. I won't hate you for this probably-"

"...I-I'm not Yuta." Yuto said.

"...Wait, what?" Kaito asked.

Yuto nodded again. "M-my name is Yuto, and...I'm t-trans. I use he/him pronouns."

"Oh, kinda like Astral, then."

Ruri just looked at Kaito. "Who?"

Kaito shrugged. "A member of the non-emo friend group I'm in. But this ain't about them." He turned to Yuto. "So.. he/him pronouns, Yuto, and...should we tell anyone?"

Yuto shook his head. "I...not u-until I've come out to my f-family. Only Yugo k-knows, so far."

Shun nodded. "Alright. Don't think this means I'm going easy on you in Mario Kart still."

"Y-yeah, I kinda figured."

Yuto smiled. He...His friends didn't see him as a freak.

This was going to be a long journey, but at least they'll be there for him.


"Hey, Yugo, stop banging your head against the wall." Yuto...not exactly asked. "You're giving me a headache both literally and metaphorically."

Yugo sighed, but obliged. "Sorry. Just... I'm frustrated."

The emo twin turned on his bed so he was actually facing Yugo. "Are you gonna punch someone again?"

"No, just myself." Yugo stated, flopping onto his bed. "Just... I know you have it worse with your titty trouble but i just feel wrong."

"..The fuck do you even mean?"

"...I can't, like..." The banana sonic thought for a moment. "..I can't find anyone hot or sexy. Like yeah Rin is fuckin beautiful but like... I wouldn't want to have sex with her but I wanna date or marry her." Yugo explained. "And I don't know why the fuck this is. But I feel kinda broken.."

Yuto seemed to think, before just pulling out his phone. And a minute later, "...Dude I think you're ace."

"...I'm wat?" Yugo asked.

"..Asexual? Basically you can't feel sexual attraction." Yuto explained.

That's...when it hit Yugo. Holy fuck. If there's a word for it then there's people like him! Sweet mother of clear wing, this was amazing!!!!

He grinned like an idiot. "Oh yay-"


decided to skip yuya for now cause im tired

hope yall liked this

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