8: Pancakes

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The three of them walked out of Cayden's bedroom, and Cayden walked down the hall into the kitchen. Alia took Waverly into the living room, and turned on the TV to let him watch cartoons.

"Cay, is that okay?" Alia asked.

"Of course, whenever Mack is with me, she does the same. Uhm, if he wants cartoons, I think its channel, uhm," Cayden walked out of the kitchen and into the living area where they are, "Shit, I think its channel 41."

"What do you wanna watch?" Cayden asked Waverly.

"Daniel Tiger!" Waverly announced.

Cayden chuckled, and changed it to the cartoons channel and put Daniel Tiger on.


"Ali, wanna help me with breakfast?" Cayden smiled.

"Sure. Waverly, be good, okay?"

"Okay, Ali," Waverly grinned, and Alia and Cayden walked back to the kitchen.

"So, how do chocolate chip pancakes and bacon sound?"

"Sounds good to me. Waverly will love you."

"That's a good thing, right?"

Alia nodded, "Yeah."

They started making breakfast, but it wasn't before they both had made a mess.

"Cayden, pancakes!" Alia laughed.

"Oh, shit!" Cayden flipped the pancakes after he realized that they were starting to burn.

"You just let them burn?" Cayden scolded, but couldn't help but smile.

"You're the one cooking them."

"Oh, whatever." Cayden chuckled and took a bit of flour from the bag, and threw it at her.

Alia gasped, and grabbed flour and threw it back.

Soon enough, the kitchen was covered in flour, as well as sugar, and chocolate chips.

"Look at this!" Alia laughed, looking the kitchen over.

"I'll call my parents housekeeper. She's used to this."

"Oh my God."

"Shh, you have flour all over your face, Ali," Cayden whispered, cupping her face in his hands. Their lips were close to touching once again, but then-

"IS IT READY YET?" Waverly screamed, making both of them jump.

"So do you." Alia smiled and grabbed a washcloth to rinse her face.

After Cayden finished making breakfast, and Alia cleaned it up a little bit, they all three sat down at the small dining table to eat.

Cayden sat next to Alia, who sat next to Waverly.

Waverly practically scarfed down the pancakes and then ate the bacon as slow as he could.

"He really likes pancakes." Alia laughed, eating a bit of hers.

"Are you not hungry, Ali?" Cayden asked. Alia barely touched hers.

"Huh? Oh, yeah. I guess not." Alia's smile disappeared.

Cayden sighed, grabbing her hand softly.

"It's gonna be okay." He reassured her.

"Okay..." Alia trailed off. Even if she didn't believe it, for Cayden, she'd try.

Soon enough, came the day of the Carnival. Alia was still a little uncertain on whether she wanted to skip or not.

"Ali? You okay?" Cayden asked the morning of the Carnival. Alia nodded, but Cayden knew the truth.

"Alia, c'mon. What's the matter?" Cayden reached for her hand, taking it in his.

"It just... It feels weird skipping, okay?" Alia answered, and Cayden chuckled a bit.

"You'll be okay. School can go one day without Alia Evans."

Alia sighed, and Cayden wrapped his arms around her. He liked being able to show his affection, but he was still uncertain about whether or not she had any feelings for him.

But if he knew, he'd probably like the outcome.

"Come on." Cayden smiled, holding her hand as they walked to the car. Cayden's parents had offered to take Waverly with them since they were taking Mackenzie anyways.

That gave them time to be alone. To get to know each other better. 

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