12: Breakfast

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The next morning, Cayden woke up to make breakfast and surprise Alia, but she woke up earlier than expected and insisted on helping. 
"How'd you sleep?" He smiled, grabbing a few items from the fridge. 

"I slept pretty well, I mean, especially after last night." She giggled as she got a glass of orange juice. Cayden had hoped that pancakes would be on the menu, but Alia had chosen otherwise. She had finished making omelets and had herself eating the strawberries in the fridge like they're candy. 

"I'm still sleepy." Alia murmured as she took bites of her omelet after cleaning up the kitchen. They sat at the table and ate their breakfast, both still half-asleep as Alia thought about last night. 

She didn't even know what made her do what she did last night. A fire consumed her soul and she just remembered his name leaving her lips and falling asleep with a smile on her face. She knew she was falling for him, and it'd been barely two weeks. There were two weeks to go. But Alia wasn't sure what would happen when the next two weeks passed and the bet was over? Alia didn't know what Cayden would do, or even what Caleo would do. These thoughts devoured her, they were all she had thought about for the past 4 hours. It was a constant in the back of her mind. 

"Ali, are you alright?" Cayden asked as he noticed the familiar look in her eyes. Her eyes tended to turn a baby blue when she was upset. 

"What if the month ends and you just end it there?" She asked quite timidly, her voice almost cracking. Alia was attaching herself quite fast, and she had no clue what she'd do when it was over. She hoped that it honestly wouldn't be over. She didn't want to be heartbroken, especially with something that never was supposed to happen in the first place. 

"I didn't plan on ending it there, babe. I started this bet with Caleo for a reason, because I wanted you to be mine, not his. I spent high-school watching the ways he treated you, that shit wasn't right, and I wanted to fix it right then and there. Now, look at us. Yeah, it's only been two weeks, but I've felt things for you I haven't felt for girls in quite a while, even though I'm just a senior. Alia, you are amazing and I've wanted to date you for almost four years, hell, maybe even longer than that. You're a girl I wouldn't mind waking up to every day, or kissing goodnight, every single night. Do you see what I mean? Two weeks with you, is just time that I wouldn't mind spending forever."

"Cay..." Ali blushed, almost wanting to hide her face, which had turned a bright red. 

"Come on, let's do something today. I';ve got a little bit of cash saved up, let's go shopping and have lunch." Cayden smiled at her. Alia smiled and leaned in to kiss him softly.

'That sounds great. I'll take a shower and then get dressed if you don't mind. Then we can go, okay?"

"Mind if I join you?" Cayden asked a bit risqué like. 

"Considering last night, not at all." She giggled and they headed toward the bathroom.

The door closed, and there was more than just steam that was heating up the shower. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27, 2018 ⏰

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