Sure to Fall (In Love with You)

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"I heard what you did with the disco ball, that's amazing!" Osomatsu laughed. "I wish I could've seen the look on Fappymatsu's face, it was probably even funnier than when I asked her to have sex with him!"

"You did what?!" you wheezed. "You're terrible! Also, why Fappymatsu?"

"Oh, that." He had an evil grin. "I walked in on him, mwahahaha!"

"Never mind." You threw your hands up in the air as you walked away. "These people are crazy!"

"Oh, (Y/N)!" You turned around and got hit in the face with something sparkly. "You could always use this as a disco ball!"

"HEY, STAY OUT OF MY STUFF!" Karamatsu took it off your head with a huff. "You could've asked first, (Y/N)!"

"Your stupid brother threw it at me! I wouldn't go near...what are those?"

"WHAT ARE THOOOOSE?!" Todomatsu popped out of their room.

"My pants, silly!" He showed them to you. "Aren't they cool?"

"Yeah, if you want to look like a gay stripper," you deadpanned.

"Gasp! How dare you say such things to my pants? Apologize."

"I'm not apologizing to a pair of pants, doofus."

"Oh, (Y/N)," he pulled you against his chest, "why must you wound me so?"

"W-well, it's fun." You tried not to notice how handsome he looked up close.

"Oh yeah? I can be fun too, you know."

"No you can't!" Choromatsu yelled, making him almost drop you.

"Hey, Chorofappyski! You almost made me let go of my beloved!"

"It's pretty creepy when you call her that," Ichimatsu mumbled.

"Run for your life while you can, (Y/N)! He's making your life a living hell!"

You rolled your eyes at Osomatsu's serious tone. "No, I'm not running away. You can't tell me what to do and what not to do with my friends."

"Friends?" Karamatsu slowly took his shades off. "You'd really be my friend?"

"Duh, you're amazing." You ruffled his hair, and he blushed slightly. "Just ignore your stupid brothers."

"I think I want to be friends with (Y/N) too!" Jyushimatsu announced. "She's so nice to Karamatsu nii-san!"

"Yeah, I guess I am." You turned back to him, only to freeze. "Are you not wearing your contacts?"

"What? Oh, that." He put a hand over his eye. "I thought about what you said, so I decided to go without them for now. What do you think?"

"Oh, they look really nice."

"Ugh," Osomatsu huffed, "they're just normal eyes."

"They do? You prefer them over contacts?" Karamatsu asked.

"Any day." You were immediately pulled into a crushing hug.

"You're the best, (Y/N)," he whispered, lips barely brushing your ear. You shivered as your heart beat faster. "Are you okay, my beloved? Oh, Ichimatsu said you probably found that creepy."

"It's okay, I don't mind at all. It's actually kind of sweet, so..." You trailed off, looking away.

"Well, that's good. So, what would you like to do now?" He'd be able to pull off his bad boy image better if his face wasn't practically glowing.

"I don't know, it's your house."

"And you're my lovely guest! We can do anything you want!" He raised an eyebrow. "Anything."

My Beloved - Karamatsu Matsuno X Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now