Chapter 1 - Enemy to the Angels

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It comes by shadow, it comes by dark

Which is why it takes you unawares.

It comes with foreboding, it comes in anger

Which is why your doom it declares.

This once heavenly creature of light

Is now Deaths assassin during night

Their immortal tempers impossible to fight

Begging for pit or forgiveness is nothing but a slight.

It comes with swords, it comes with flames Which is why your soul cannot purge your fear. It comes as death, it comes as silence

Which is why your eyes towards heaven steer.

But there it comes descending

A flame from Heaven condemning

You haven't a pray for amending

This presence you have unwittingly been offending.

You are an enemy to an Angel

And your souls hope for salvation becomes fable.

The Goon Squad Known as the FBI

You wanna know what really sucks: Being kidnapped in the middle of the night by unknown persons, while your pajamas do not consist of pants; only a very baggy extremely ratty sweatshirt. You don't believe me? Go ahead, try it yourself. But sound advice for the wise and the sane: trust the words I am telling you. And the words I am telling you? It really sucks!

My name is Jennifer Gold, but normally I just go by Jenny, and my life is something of a sick joke. It has some serious issues, and I've been through things no normal sixteen year old girl should ever go through, or could probably even comprehend going through.

I guess I would feel sorrier for myself if I in fact was a normal teenage girl. But I'm not. Honestly I have no clue what I am; I'm only aware of my abilities, the knowledge that I'm more than human, and what my father claimed to be.

Apparently my mom was something of a hot commodity in her early twenties. Only she didn't exactly attract the average male. She met my dad instead, got knocked up, and had me: the bastard daughter of a guardian Angel. Uh, hu, that's right. My dad is an Angel. Pretty messed up stuff right? And guess what, it only gets worse!

So apparently my mom has this aura of goodness angels just can't resist and apparently my parents' whole falling in love thing was real romantic, worthy of being in one of those fictional books you know? They went against the laws of the Universe, and had to cross the five realms, since only Angels can travel directly into the Angel's realm - said Realm has a name but I've forgotten it -, and overcoming bad guys to have their relationship recognized by the Angel Court - again, the official name for it eludes me at the moment, not that I'm terribly eager to remember it though.

But guess what awesome sacrifice they had to make in order to be together. Yep, I had to be booted out of Heaven. It isn't really Heaven, it's the Realm of the Angels, and I purposefully blocked the real name from my memory. I've gotten good at forgetting details like that.

There are a lot more realms than where the angels live, but the Angels Realm is the highest. Imagine it like the levels of Earth's atmosphere: you've got the Troposphere, the Stratosphere, the O-Zone layer, the Mesosphere, and the Ionosphere (Don't ask how I know all this crap; especially since I was never in school, I just know it.). Each level of the Atmosphere is like a different realm. I was never told the specifics of what lives in the other realms but I know they are not all good, I know there are five of them, and I know Earth is one of them; although none of the other realms recognize Earth as one since it's so corrupt, and humans are mortal with no extra abilities. Biased pigs.

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