Chapter 2 - How to Kiss an Elf 101

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I woke up in a warm bed under soft blankets and at first I was surprised, thinking that I had actually made it to Heaven, and wondering how I had possibly managed that - even with my Angel status - when the pain finally registered. My entire body hurt. I felt plaster covering my left femur, my right hip, and my right ankle and wrist. And then heavy wrappings on my ribs, and pretty much the rest of my entire body.

My eyes were bound as well. Although I didn't know if it was because they were injured or because some of the goons had somehow survived the silver blast and had taken me. I tried to use my abilities to sense my surroundings. It felt like a hospital, but it had a peculiar aura like I had never felt before. Almost incorporeal in a way.

"She wakes." Said a deep voice near my bed side.

I tensed and tried to move my arms. But despite the fact that they were wrapped in plaster, they were also bound to the guard rails of the hospital bed. How rude, chaining up a dying, severely injured patient like I was some sort of common serial killer...

"We mean you no harm girl. We are friends." This voice was softer, gentler, a nice rice tenor.

Still I snorted and laughed, it sounded funny since my face was so swollen; but since I was awake my healing ability started kicking in and I already felt the swelling going down.

"Forgive me if I don't believe you, but being my friend tends to getting people killed instantly. So if you truly are my friend you might wanna book it the hills, since you're probably in more danger than I am." I sensed there were two... something's. They weren't quite men, but they weren't Angels either. I didn't know what they were. But they took a step closer to me; I had to admit, they were pretty brave in doing so. I felt the familiar heat fill my eyes again.

"We know what you have been through; we have kept a watch on you ever since you were sent to the Earth plane. We have seen your trials, and know of your suffering, one who calls herself Jennifer Gold."

I tensed more. Knowing that I had been kidnapped by things that weren't quite human was one thing, but then finding out that they had been stalking me my whole life was another. And it was really creepy.

"Who are you?" My headache had gone away, and I already felt the bones being repaired and the cuts sealing. I felt the two things take another step towards me.

"As we have said before, we are friends. You are in our Realm, and we have brought you here under great peril to our Realm and our people who reside here. We saw you fight with the darkness, and saw a silver sun burst from your eyes and destroy the darkness, but then you fell and would have perished if we had not intervened. We brought you here with the greatest secrecy and stealth, but we cannot be certain we were not watched by powers greater than our own." They talked funny, and it was annoying.

"Still doesn't answer my question about who you are." I said, letting my annoyance color my tone. My eyes were still burning, but I was grateful, it helped my energy rise so I could heal faster.

"We are members of the second Realm of Celestine. We are Daoine Maithe, the good people. I am Oren, my people are the Ellyllon. This is Kallan, his people are the Fachan. We are here to oversee your recovery and to protect you if such an unfortunate occasion should arise."

My headache had returned, and I knew no amount of concentration on healing was going to help it.

"Wait I'm in the second Realm? How did I get here without having to go through the fourth and third? And what exactly are you? Your names don't tell your species." I felt pressure on my bed, and I was able to sense a human form.

"If I were to remove your blindfold, does the lady promise to not burn us with the silver fire that sometimes lights your eyes?"

I thought about this. Certainly if they wanted me dead they had plenty of chances, and these guys seemed nice enough; at least they weren't beating me with their fists. I judged the heat in my eyes. It was still fairly hot, so I took some deep breaths to try and calm down; a trick that Harper had taught me. That seemed to help.

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