Chapter 5 - Death. Only . . . not . . .

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Being partially dead was very weird. For one thing, for the first time, I could tell the difference between the immortal part of my soul and the part that was now separated from my body. The immortal part of my soul still felt connected to my body. I didn't feel pain, but nor could I move or breath and talk or do anything. The mortal part of me was sort of suspended out of my body, but I knew I shouldn't go anywhere until Thanatos came for me; no matter how tempting it was.

I hadn't realized how cold I was until I felt a presence like a heat lamp glide over to me. I looked into the pit eyes of Thanatos and now I understood why souls willingly followed him, his heat was intoxicating. It took all my will power not to float over to him and embrace him. I couldn't imagine the effect his heat would have on completely dead souls. I tried getting up so I could be level with him, and I experienced the absolutely surreal feeling of leaving my body. Because I was only partly dead I was still partially physical. Meaning I wasn't as see through as Thanatos was. I was surprised that my clothes remained on me as I left me body; well surprised but mostly relieved. And relieved still when Sabnock remained in its scabbard tied to my waist.

Thanatos beckoned me with this hand and I took a step forward, and then a hand came down on my forearm. I whipped my head to the right to see Sameal. His face impassive, and then I looked behind me and saw my body lying motionless on the floor. I was completely black. As if I was charred. It wasn't pretty. I could still feel my body; I still felt connected to it, but it was sooo weird looking at my body from the outside.

I looked behind me, expecting to see Oren and Thalion and Rylien but I didn't.

(They have already begun the journey to the portal. They will meet us there in time.)

I nodded. Weirded out, confused like never before, cold, numb, scared and strangely lethargic feeling I followed as Sameal kept a hand on my arm and led me forward after Thanatos.

I was expecting to go through the same route as before. The hall that continued without intersections but had bends and turns. It wasn't the same hall. The hall grew darker and closer together, narrower. I leaned into Sameal as we proceeded to walk in the darkness. I wasn't used to pitch black, my enhanced eyes usually allowed me to see fairly well in the dark, but of course, I had left that part of me behind with my body.

The tunnel went on for... I don't even know how long. All I knew was that I did not like this can't-even-see-your-hand-waving-directly-in-front-of-your-face stuff. Sameal squeezed my arm periodically to reassure me he was there. Thanatos's warmth was the only thing keeping me from shivering. When I got too far away I got goose bumps, but when I came too close Sameal would pull me away. Touch Thanatos when you are a spirit, and your mortal soul will never leave Beth-el. I shivered, not from the cold this time, and graciously accepted the goose bumps.

"We are on approach to the entrance of Beth-el. Do not speak when you are in the

Realm, we do not wish the other spirits recognizing your voice. Your looks we can change if we must, but we cannot change your voice; the spirit guards in Beth-el know this and this is the way they track spirits. If you speak, your voice will be registered and thus it will make it easy to find you."

I just nodded my head. I had been silent all this time; it wasn't like I was going to start talking now.

"Use your connection with others to communicate if you must."

Again I nodded. Not sure if Sameal could see in the dark or not, but figuring it didn't matter since his statements didn't really require a response.

Up ahead I thought I started to see a faint reddish glow, and as we continued to walk closer toward it the glow became more prominent. I was both scared and eager to get closer the red light, because the closer we got the warmer it got; and I was really happy to be in a place where I could see again.

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