Chapter 4 - Gene Pool

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"I am sorry for taking so much from you. But what I found will astonish all. For it has astonished even me, and I have seen more than anyone in this chamber." He stroked my cheek, his eyes full of pure affection. I had only been out for a few seconds but a headache like you wouldn't believe was already forming. "You did well, one who calls herself Jennifer Gold." I tried to smile but not sure I managed it. Sameal turned to Oren. "Give her nourishment and drink. She is weak." Oren nodded and began carrying me to the far right side of the hall.

"You are light for a human, and especially for an Angel." Oren said and I nodded. Angels were exceptionally heavy. It wasn't that they were fat, but they were...dense I guess was a good word. They were solid.

I wasn't sure I could speak, so I just used our connection. (I've always been that way. I

weigh less than any human I know who's also my height.)

Well it was true; it was pretty hard to find a sixteen year old, 74 pound 5'6'' human. "Counsel, I will speak to you freely, and my words may cause some of you to be disconcerted but I vow on my soul that death has claimed that they are true." I turned my attention to Sameal who was standing in my spot before the Council members. Oren removed the blindfold, plucked an apple from a dryad that was leaning over me and began cutting it up, laying my head in his lap. I opened my mouth and Oren put the apple it. Juice, the most flavorful incredible juice burst in my mouth and I instantly felt some strength return. It was like the juice was pure light, and instead of going to my stomach it was spreading, like a restorative fire, through my veins.

"It is true that this child is indeed human, and indeed Angel and the remaining portion of her soul was filled by a presence. Or rather presences."

I looked up at that. Did he mean there was more than one Demon presence inside of me? Sameal turned to face me, his face bright with excitement and elation.

"Jenny, can you please explain to us your abilities. And as you do I will explain the source of them."

I swallowed the juice and Oren propped me up against his shoulder. I felt the connection from me to Sameal and I started with the direction he was nudging me in.

"Well I'm impervious to sickness and I can feel people's life forces." Sameal nodded at me, clearly pleased that I had understood his hint.

"Gifts the Angel's also claim, though we of the second, third, and fourth Realm claims being impervious to sickness too, I could sense that was part of your Angel aspect however." He nodded at me to continue.

"I can make connections with people, and once I do I can read their thoughts and intentions and communicate with them telepathically; I've even been able to manipulate a human and place an image in his head." This caused some in the Counsel to stir uncomfortably. But still Sameal nodded encouragingly.

"The part of you that is able to communicate telepathically, manipulate and place images

is from your enhanced human aspect. But the part that allows you to make a connection with those around you is from another aspect. Mine. I am also able to make connections with those I have bitten. One of the other presences that inhabit your body belongs to me."

I gaped at him, my eyes widening, my head feeling as if it might explode.

"You mean I'm part Vampire!?" This was way too Twilight-ish for me. But gratefully

Sameal shook his head as upraised voices began from the Council.

"Peace, and allow the girl to continue. All will be explained in time. I promise. Jenny please, what else."

I was still trying to understand how the Demon presence in me could be Vampire! But then again, it had seemed like Sameal had known I'd made a connection with him when neither Oren nor Harper had known before I proved it to them. I again went in the direction Sameal was nudging me in.

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