Chaper 10 - Raum

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The demon King ended up being very similar in looks as his son. He was very tall, thin but muscled, no hair on his head or his eyebrows, pointed teeth and ears; the difference was his ears looked like they were half formed and molded into the skin of his head; and this King wore a crown that looked to me like they were made of thorns. I almost flinched at the sight as I saw that embedded in the thorns were human teeth. I guessed that teeth were a sort of trophy here. Didn't stop it from being any less disgusting though... "What business have you calling me Ayperos?" Before the Prince could speak the King spotted his generals head lying on the ground and drew his sword so fast I thought I had blinked. Raum snarled at his son.

"You dare slay my general! You shall pay for your mistake my son."

I swear the temperature in the cave dropped at least ten degrees. I started to shiver and

I felt Ayperos tense.

"I will accept my punishment later father. I have called you here for a different reason." Raum's eyes narrowed.

"Other than to report the murder of my general you mean?"

I could practically feel Ayperos rolling his eyes, and if I wasn't scared out of my mind I

probably would have chuckled.

"This creature claims she is not only a warrior for you, my father, and is the new Vetis

Jahi, having claimed the name by succeeding in a duel."

Raum eased out of his crouch some as his eyes came to rest on mine. I could tell that if my eyes were anything less that Demon I would have been toast right then and there. I told the others not to look at him. Apparently the King didn't need to have his eyes run with red in order to be dangerous.

"I know you." The King said hesitantly, as if trying to bring up a distant memory, I

swallowed and forced myself to make my voice come out. "Yes my King, I am your warrior."

The King shrugged off my words like I would if Harper said he liked eating dumpster food. "When have I seen you before?"

I tried to force myself to talk, but I couldn't. Clearly the King wasn't going to buy my lie. I

felt for my energy levels.

(I'm going to do a silver blast. No one look and I'll try to control the blast away from you.) I felt all the others tense. Oren tried to shake his head without being noticed.

(Elowen no, it is too dangerous. You cannot know you can control it. I am out of my bonds, as is Thalion. If we can reach our swords . . . .)

(What Oren? There's no way the two of you can take a whole Demon hoard, plus the

Prince, plus the King.)

(Three of us thank you very much.) Harper added while I just glared.

(It doesn't matter, we still can't take them. The blast is our best chance. I'll use my dirk

during it so I can take out as many as possible. When I do the blast, grab your weapons but do not look at me whatever you do and try to get whatever Demons I miss.)

(Elowen, you cannot simply take out the entire Demon royalty, Valefor would fall into chaos and anarchy and who knows what Realm they would attack as repercussion.) Stupid Oren being stupidly logical at the stupidest timing.

(Do you have a better option!?) I saw Oren's jaw clench out of my peripheral vision.

(I didn't think so.) The argument had made me frustrated and annoyed again, which in this case was a very good thing; it boosted my energy and made my eyes burn. That is until the King finally recognized me.

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