Chapter 7 - Plea Barter

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I woke up feeling warm and wonderful. For the first time in such a long time I felt safe and happy. And that meant more to me than I could ever say. I had been so tired that I hadn't moved all night - usually I shifted around alot - so Harper's arm was still wrapped around me, we were spooning, and I could feel his warm breath on the back of my ear. He was breathing deeply and gently and I sighed contentedly wrapped in his arms. That was, I was content until I underwent whip lash yet again.

This is getting really annoying. I hated being viciously jerked through the universe. It hurt for one thing, and the feeling of disorientation was infuriating to me. I tried to stop complaining and focused on what was happening. My energy was easier to focus than it was before; I wondered if this was because the curse had been lifted. It made things easier. I could still tell that I was in the cell, but I also sensed something else: presences of powerful beings.

I extended my consciousness and I floated through my cell, down a hallway and into a chamber. Beings were gathered in the chamber but I couldn't see them, I could only sense. And I could hear.

They were talking to Morton, telling him my mortal soul was in Beth-el. At first Morton resisted the information, saying he would have recognized my voice the minute I spoke anything in Beth-el; but then Morton paused and realized someone must be helping me. Morton grew intrigued and excited then. He promised the Angel's to find me, and keep me with him. And then I felt my mortal soul grow cold. The Angel's promised that if Morton found and captured my soul they would give me back my body and Morton could make me his bride... I thought this was both clever and disgusting; the Angels were getting rid of me as their problem by pawning me off to the King of the frickin Underworld!

I sat up straight gasping and shivering. Harper woke up next to me and started rubbing my back.

"Jenny what is it? What's wrong?" He asked his voice still thick with sleep. I laid my head against him and tried to calm down. After a moment or two I looked into his concerned face.

"Harper we have to get out of here, and we have to get out now." The severity of the situation finally hit me and I flung myself out of the bed, running through the door and down the rich hall, not paying attention to the details, and not paying attention to Harper's worried voice trailing behind me. I was focused on using my connection to find Oren and Thalion and Sameal and Rylien.

I found Oren at last, and the instant I burst in his room he jumped out of bed, pulling a dirk out from his belt and nearly slicing my throat open. When he saw that it was me he dropped his knife, but when he saw my expression he reached for his sword.

I grabbed Oren's arm and yanked him out into the hallway as I went in search of the

others. Harper had finally caught up to me and now both he and Oren were demanding I tell them what was wrong; but I didn't have time to explain this more than once. Thankfully Rylien and Thalion were resting in the same room, and Sameal appeared in the hall next to a flustered Harper. Thalion woke up a little less violent than Oren, but Rylien screeched awake and almost tore out my eyes with his claws. Gosh dang, what was with all this violence when waking up! I was never that alert when I first opened my eyes.

I was dragging everyone down the stairs and into a giant of a living room when finally they all put their foot down and I couldn't drag them any further. Harper came up and put his hands on my shoulders. His eyes wide and alarmed but his face determined and fierce.

"Jenny calm down! God you're shaking. What happened? Tell us what's wrong." I tried to get a grip, and I placed my hands on Harper's cheeks, begging him to understand how bad this was.

"He's coming for me Harper, and when he finds me he's going to keep me here forever and force me to marry him. The Angel's said they would give him back my body if he caught me. He's searching right now. We have to leave! If he touches me I'll belong here forever! We have to leave!" Now Oren and Sameal were trying to calm me down while Thalion and Rylien raced back up the stairs, I hoped it was to pack.

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