Chapter16: A moment in time

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Ashton POV

" Ashton, he looks so much like you as a baby" My Mom says to me and it makes me smile. I have waited so long for her to say something like that and she finally has. My career may be being in a band that travels around the world. But I am now a family man who travels the world with my best friends who are basically my brothers. Now I get to do this with my wife and my child. " Mom . I have to tell you something" I say to my mom as  she looks up from looking at Alex. " You know that me and the guys are going on tour again in like 3 months right?" I ask knowing she knows the answer. " Yes, of course I know that why?" She responds. " Well, Ava will be a new mom still with a newborn and I dont want to miss out on anything ... " I say trying to figure out the right words. " Ash, you can't be serious. You want to pick up your entire little young family with you and travel the world" My Mom says back to me with almost anger in her voice. " Mom,  if I let Ava say here with just Alex she will go crazy. I will go crazy, I have loved Ava since I has 10 years old. I lost her for an entire year after we had a fight. I then was able to meet her by chance last year. I dont want to lose her again. Ava and I have decided that Alex will be fine. We are rich enough and one direction is helping us with our own plane. They know that we will not be able to fly commerical with Alex until he is a bit older do to colds and stuff like that. We are renting the London house again incase Ava and Alex need to get away. We have everything figured out , we jsut want your blessing about it. I want to have a realtiosnhip with my son and have a bond with him, and Im not blamming you but I dont want to make the same mistake that dad did with me. I want Alex to have a stable enough family life , stable enough for a child of a famous parent. Security is always with Ava and me and we have hired a new security guard for Alex and Ava when they go out by themselves. He will recieve any checkups becuase we will have a regustered doctors in any place take care we are. " I say to mom and I can see the tears whell up in her eyes. " Ashton, you have turned from a young boy who wanted to play them drums ato a man who has a wife , a career and a child. I have to let you do what you want to do. You have grown up, I have no power over you anymore. I know that you and Ava are making the right decision. It just means I just have to viist you guys on tour " She says with a smile. I hear Ava come into the living room and sit beside me. " I need to feed ghis little guy and probably chnage , I will bring him back don't worry"Ava says as she grabs Alex and walks downstairs. 

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