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Fresh's POV ( let you know that I suck at first person so, beware)

I decided that I should stop practicing my magic as I had practiced enough for the day. I then picked up my new gaster blaster pet which I named Infernix because I couldn't choose between the names Nix and Inferno. I just walked right in the house to get tackled by Roundy, I was lucky that I didn't fall. I just set Infernix down on the ground so I could see how they would interact.

Seems like they got along well, which was good. Although I still don't know if skeletons eat? Or is it like what people say, the magic dissolves the food or something like that. I also have to check if there is any food for Roundy, even though Infernix doesn't need food Roundy does. I checked in the pantry to see if there is any dog food in there. Turns out there's none. ' well funk, HOW THE FUNK DID I CENSOR MYSELF.' After that crisis I decided to try and open a portal to a surface au, even though I don't really remember any aus that have monsters living on the surface. I know the Eternal Starvation au or multiverse? But anyways that place I ain't going to yet.

After a few minutes of trying to open a portal I somehow opened a portal to indeed a au that has monsters living on the surface. I decided to also get some new clothes while I'm there because I'm still wearing the same clothes from when I died. Which consists of a oversized blue hoodie ( yes I love oversized hoodies so that means my characters gotta wear them.), grey jeans, black boots. I'm also still wearing some shades so I guess people won't see my eyes? Anyways I decided to take Roundy with me since Infernix was asleep right now, so now I have a pug in my arms which I am holding like a cat. I always thought that Roundy was part cat, I guess this is another addition to the theory.

I just looked around for a grocery store that I hoped have dog food, if not I'll just get him some meat instead. Actually will he eat the meat? I mean Roundy eats anything that's edible in front of him, so maybe? Roundy is a mystery, he acts like a cat sometimes, he doesn't scare away the birds, and now I am questioning myself...

The monsters and humans alike look at me like I'm a freak, which is true but still. What is causing them to look at me like that? Is it because I'm a skeleton or is it something else. Wait.. doesn't Fresh have a soul in his eye even though I'm wearing shades, can they still see it? After contemplating that for a good while, I finally found a store called Walmart. Huh, at least some stores I know are on the surface. This store should have dog food right? I mean they do have dogs up here in the surface and I'm not talking about the monster type, actually do the dog monsters eat dog food? I'm getting myself confused with questions every damn minute I'm here.

I just got in the store and now the staring is getting more, tense. Okay have they not been taught not stare at other people? Or monsters. I just wanted to get new clothes and dog food but no all I get is getting stared at and.. wait why is that person looking at me like that and now they are approaching me..


This Karen freaking now wants my pug and that I shouldn't deserve such a cute dog because I'm a freaking monster.

I'm ignoring the fact that I magically summoned a microphone. It is now time to embarrass the wild Karen.

Ahem, " I'm not giving you my dog as I have gotten him myself which means I have custody over him and that I can choose wether to give him away or not." The wild Karen replied by trying to threaten me and that monsters can't own pets because they are freaks. Seriously, I found a racist Karen level 2.

" Anyone can own pets also at least us monsters have brains over you Karens, really how did ya think we survived under the ground? Anyways I just want to get food for my dog so excuse me" I just side stepped the wild Karen but then she tried taking my pug which was a big no no. Roundy just growled and swatted at her hand, the Karen was lucky that Roundy didn't go fully on her. I took Roundy back from her and continued looking for dog food while the wild Karen tries to pretend that Roundy hurted them and is bleeding, which everyone didn't fall for.

After a few minutes I have finally found some dog food made for pugs which I am grateful for as I want to get out of this store before another wild Karen appears. I swear this is like Pokémon when they appear except it's with Karens.

Once I paid with my money that I still have from my pervious life all I wanted to do was walk out of that store and rest in my comfy bed. But of course the same wild Karen from earlier was there in the waiting line to buy their items. I wanted to get out as fast as I can so I went to the area where you can do it yourself instead of a employee do it. I still don't know what it's called but it was faster.

Okay so it seems like the Karens are teaming up with each other because I see another Karen that is staring at my pug, once again. I tried to see if I could walk past them without letting them know I was there. That didn't work at all.

I am now trying to get away from the Karens by fast walking, I just went behind a tree and opened a portal towards my house.

Well that was a busy day hasn't it? Although I do like the name fresh I'm thinking of changing the nickname and it won't really affect anyone as I haven't met any aus yet. I think my name will be...

Word count is 1086 which I am very proud of as this is the largest chapter I ever wrote so far. Anyways I'm gonna make you all suffer and now you got to wait for the next chapter for the new name.

Reincarnated as Fresh?!/ My Pug Has A HaremWhere stories live. Discover now