Attack of The Colossus Titan

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I just came home from working at the training grounds in Wall Rose. To me, working the training grounds was a full time job, but my parents wanted it to be a part time job.

We needed money so I had to quit school in secret just so we could have the extra money to move to Wall Rose where Harri was stationed at. He offered me a position to help recruits train for Titan via Human combat. I couldn't refuse the offer. Harri sent me over to the training grounds and I'll tell you, it was amazing. It was all until my parents changed their minds about me going there.

My father was so pissed off. He was pissed off about that made very little money. He was pissed off that Harri was smoking all that weed as it turns out. He was pissed off about that his wife was with the MPs.

"It's a letter from the school." He said to me. "They said you weren't there for months. FOR MONTHS!" And not recently, he was pissed off about that I wasn't in school and I was hanging around the training grounds. He knew what went on at the training grounds. Every time I come home, I get my ass kicked. But after two or three times, I didn't care. And in my perspective, everyone deserves an ass-kicking sometimes.

The next day, I went to see Kieth and he was concerned. "I have to stop working with you guys," I said to him. "Why's that? You'll fuck everything up! The recruits won't get any training done!" Keith said.

"I can't. My dad's going to kill me. Look!"

I showed my black eye to him and he offered to come to the house and talk to my dad. An hour later, my dad agreed.

That was it. No more kicking my ass. No more getting letters from my school. As a matter of fact, no more anything from anyone. Finally my mom has to ride to Wall Rose to complain. How could I go back to school after that by praising the stupid walls and sit through the king's good government bullshit? Keith knew how to get some sense into anyone, especially my dad because he trained the poor bastard.

One day. One day, I was walking down the rows buying groceries with the money my mom gave me to spend. All of a sudden I see this weak blonde haired kid getting beaten up by these tough guy wannabes. I walked up to them, saying that they better leave or they'll end up regretting it. They told me to fuck off, but I wasn't having it. I beat them up the best I could until people came. The three ran away, but at first I was wondering who were those people.

A minute later, an MP showed up and arrested me.

Of all the fucking people, I was getting arrested for helping a kid from bullies. That was a pile of bullshit. The blonde kid stopped him, trying to convince the bastard that I helped them with bullies. It took some time, but he let me off with a warning and actually threatened to tell my mom about what the fuck happened. I couldn't stand for it, but I knew I couldn't do anything about it. He eventually walked away as the blonde kid was losing his balance.

"Are you okay? Are you hurt?" I asked him, holding out my hand. "I'm alright." Said the kid. "Thank-you."
I asked, "Do you have a name?" "My name's Armin", he said. "Armin Arlert." "(Y/N) (L/N)."

"You wanna come with me to the river?" "I wish I could but I can't. I have groceries to get for my mom. Maybe some other time?"

"Sure. Thanks so much, (Y/N)."

"Not a problem. If you need anything, let me know, okay?"

"Yes please. Thanks."

I walked away happy knowing that I made a new friend and was on my way home with groceries.

As I walked through the stands, I found Mr. Tyser. "Hey (Y/N)! How are you doing son?" "I'm doing fine. How about yourself?" I replied. "Fine as well. I have some special groceries for you. I even have some (whispering:) meat, my boy."

I shuddered with excitement. It was the most shocking thing I've ever heard. "Really?" "Shh. You wanna get me caught? Come on around. Let me give it to you."

You see, Mr. Tyser was an old family friend as well. His grandfather was a Scout and he knew the risks of being in the Military. He knew about our financial struggles, and when I pulled out the money, he said: "The stuff's on me, son. You go on home and tell your mother I said 'hello'." I shook his hand, grabbed the groceries, and left.

As I was walking down the road, I heard a huge boom and the ground shook so hard I nearly fell and split my knee open.

Once I regained my stance, I saw huge debris flying all around me. I knew I had to get home and check on my mom. As I ran, I saw people dying all around me. Women sobbing for their children or their husbands. Once I reached my house, it was partially destroyed. The roof was torn apart, windows were broken and shattered. When I reached my parents' room, mom was laying on the bed, crushed by a huge piece of the gate and blood all over the bed and on her hand.

"Mom!" I cried, holding her hand tightly. "No! Don't be dead! Please!" I was wailing so loud that my brother and father found me sobbing my eyes out.

"It's time to go, son." My dad said.
"We can't leave her here!" I yelled.
"There's no time, (Y/N). We have to get to the boats."
"I'll take him", Harri said. "We'll get out as soon as we can." "Grab (Y/N) and get going."

Harri snatched me into his arms and ran off to get out of Shinganshina. As I looked back, dad was fighting a Titan. He dropped me to help dad father, but by the time he flew, he was caught and was crushed. Harri told me to run as fast as i can and he promised to come back for me. I ran as he was about to fly up and slice the nape of that son of a bitch. He was caught, but Harri got out of the Titan's grasp and flew away to escape.

As Harri and I escaped to the boats, leaving my father behind, we saw some soldiers scrambling from the gate. As it was nothing, a Titan, that was at least the size of a normal titan, barged through the gate like it was a piece of dried clothing from a string hanging up. The people were begging to get on the boats. Some were jumping onto it while others attempt but failed miserably.

Halfway towards Wall Rose, I heard a voice that was raspy, emotional, but determined.

"I'm gonna put a stop to this!" I look up to see a kid that was at least 12 years old, a girl whose raven black hair made me blush a little bit, and I saw Armin a way's away.

"Harri, can I look for my new friend?" I asked Harri. "Make it short. They probably experienced what we saw in our home."

I walked over to Armin, who was surprised to see me still alive. He shook my hand and introduced me to his friends and grandfather. "(Y/N)! I'm surprised to see you're still here. How's your mom?"

Tears starting to swell up in my eyes as I saw a flashback of my own mother crushed from a piece of that goddamn wall. Seeing my tearing up made Armin stop talking to me but said this: "I'm sorry. I didn't know." I replied, "Don't ever be. I just needed some company besides my weed smoking older brother." Armin laughed a little bit while his friends were walking over.

"Who's this?" The brown haired kid said as the raven colored hair girl blushed at me. "Eren, Mikasa, this is (Y/N) (L/N) I was talking about."
"Really? It's an honor." "Same here."

Eren and the girl named Mikasa shook hands with me as I was still going through what just happened. We decided to go our separate ways so we could be alone and just try to forget about what happened.

It was then I knew, we lived in a pen, and humanity was cattle.

A Scout's Journal (Attack On Titan X Male Reader)[DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now