First Time In 5 Years Part 1

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I was walking around destruction of TROST? What was I doing here?I looked around seeing blood and people lie on ground, lifeless.

I heard some walking behind me and I saw it was MIKASA, holding her stomach. "Mikasa!" "You failed to protect me. I thought you had balls in the Training Crops, but you never did." She fell to the ground as I was crying and yelling "MIKASA!"

~End Of Nightmare~

"NO!" I yelled jolting awake. I was breathing so heavily that it gave me the reason for that nightmare, I have to protect my friends no matter what. I felt a tear come down my face but I held it back. I knew that I have to protect my friends no matter what.

I got up and dressed and went to TROST where I heard someone riding behind me, and I find SQUAD LEVI riding to battle! Among them was Harri. I was still pissed that he's smoking all that weed. Believe me, I still don't feel any regret about burning that grass in front of him, and it looked like he learned his lesson. From what I know, that weed was making him act and think differently. That's why I don't smoke any of that. It turns your brain to mush and it can fuck you up.

Anyway, I went up to the top of the Wall to meet with Eren and the others. When I got there, Sasha had MEAT?! When she saw me, she tried hide it, but it was too late. I stole it from her and the other recruits. "If you think, that meat should be around while the Titans are wanting to kill us, you'd be wrong!" I suggested that Sasha would share the meat but secretly.

I had to ask Eren where Mikasa and the others are. I've been worried about his adoptive sister and I wanted to make sure she's okay.

"Eren, where's Mikasa?" "She's back at the barracks I guess, why?" "If you don't mind, I gotta tell you something." "Sure, what is it?" "I had a nightmare where Mikasa was severely injured and then died in front of me." "Really?" "Yeah. To be frank with you, I think I'm starting to have feelings for her." "You are?" "Right." "I'll let you talk to her when we get back to the headquarters." "Thanks Eren. I appreciate it."

All of us, soldiers, eating meat was rare. The titans took all of livestock away from us over a century ago. It was a rule in all military branches, if you were to serve meat, you gotta get an "okay" from an officer like I was or you'll be the one who's meat.

You see, we always had a problem with Sasha Brouse, this kind of a touchy thing. This young lady was your typical air-headed girl who loves food and sees it as a fetish. Why is she this way? To this day, I'm not fucking sure.

Sasha may be a cutie, but she didn't see being a soldier as a serious matter, although she grew up in a hunting village named Dauper, in the deep woods outside of Wall Rose. I was familiar with it, but I never visited.

After sharing the meat, a big boom was heard right beside us and the Colossus Titan has returned after half a decade. A split second later, he destroyed the cannons, as we were flying off the edge. In the corner of my eye, Samuel was falling unconscious. "Sasha, save Samuel!" "Yes sir!"

Sasha flew and fired her anchor into Samuel's leg as Eren and I flew to take out the Colossus Titan together. It took away our home, now we're about to take away its life.

We were close to slicing the nape and when we got closer, it was gone.

Bam! Poof! Gone! Just out of nowhere while having some steam around it! Eren, myself, and the others went to the barracks where I found Mikasa! She seemed worried about me for some reason. I don't know what it is.

"(Y/N)! Eren!" She ran to us and hugged us while she hugged me the most. I don't know. It felt good, I guess?

After a long time, I had to let her go while we filled up our gas tanks. While I was filling mine, Armin's hands were shaking. He tried telling us that he didn't know that they would attack again, but I had to shake him around to let him know that he can ramble all he wants after the job is finished. He said okay after his gas tank was filled, same with ours.

We met in the courtyard where I had to tell Mikasa what I suffered last night. "Mikasa, do you have a second?" "Sure. What is it, (Y/N)?" "I had a nightmare last night and it had you in it for some reason." She was shocked as I kept going. "What was it about?" "It was about the attack right now, but you were hurt and died at my feet." She covered her mouth in shock. She didn't know what to think.

"I died at your feet?" "Yeah. You even said to me, 'You failed to protect me. I thought you had balls in the Training Crops, but you never did.' Mikasa, I don't want you to die, nor my friends." She felt sympathy for me that she hugged me again with compassion. "I hope it doesn't come true. I'm not ready to die like this." "Me neither."

"Hey, (Y/N)! Are you going to lead us out to battle or are you going to play couple with Ackerman!" She and I blushed red at that as she covered it up with her scarf while I had to look away. "Coming." I walked away to lead my first group into battle, but Mikasa stopped me. "(Y/N). Come find me whenever something happens." "I will." AND before I walked away again, she stopped me for one more thing.

"And (Y/N)." "Yeah?" "Just one more thing." After she said that, she leaned in and kissed my cheek! I was feeling the kiss on with my hand as I was confused. "I liked you the first time I saw you on that boat 5 years ago, (Y/N). Hopefully after this we can spend time together once all of this is over." She ran to the Vanguard as I led the group into the battle in Trost.

Still, I'd bet you all 100 pieces of gold that Mikasa and I would be in love after the battle in Trost.

I mean it seemed like she's in love with me or something. I guess we'll have to wait and see.

A Scout's Journal (Attack On Titan X Male Reader)[DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now