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It was raining. Raining so hard in fact that the paths were so muddy, even the recruits including Armin were struggling with the pack on their backs. I rode up to yelling that if he doesn't keep up, he's going to fail his class. Right as I yelled that to him. "Seriously? Give it to me."

It was Reiner.

After all this time, I decided to do a mental note on each recruit I work with. Reiner Braun— With the mind and constitution of a grass fed ox, respected by his comrades. As I started, I heard from Armin, "I'm no one's burden! You hear me!" He grabbed the pack and started running the fast he could. Armin Arlert— Built like a daffodil, but academically brilliant.

As we got to the forrest to train on ODM, Jean, Annie and Bertolt are training against Titan dummies as I made mental notes of them as well. Annie Leonhart— Gifted with a sword, but doesn't exactly play well with others. Bertolt Hoover— Heaps of native talent, but too mild mannered. Jean Kirstein— Second in the class on ODM, also an insufferable smartass with a haired trigger temper.

Sasha came in and was having the time of her life, same as Connie so I made some mental notes of them as well.

Sasha Brause— Unusually fine instincts, rarely shares them with her teammates. Connie Springer— Agile on the switchbacks, few sandwiches shy of a picnic.

As Mikasa and Eren flew by and was using a Titan dummy, I decided to make mental notes of them too. Mikasa Ackerman— Model cadet. Excels in everything. In fact, it's no overstatement to call this girl a genius. Eren Jaeger— Lackluster in the classroom, much much better in the field. But, driven by a sense of purpose that's almost terrifying.

As I did that, Keith rode up to me, wondering what was going on. "Hey (Y/N). Are you okay?" I replied, "I'm fine, sir. I'm just making mental notes of the recruits. I see a bright future in all of them." "And I in you." I gasped at that. "(Y/N), you're turning into the man you're about to be." "And you sir are getting older."

He chuckled at that. "You have to remember that you're a great instructor to these fresh fish but I have the experience." He was right. He did this more than two decades before I was in the picture. "You know sir?" "Yes?" "It's too bad we gotta get old, right?" As I said that, Keith smiled and said, "I agree. Just keep working hard, (Y/N). When's your birthday, (Y/N)?" "The day before Graduation. Why?" Keith smirked as I was confused. "No reason." "Whatever you say. Let's just focus on the recruits, shall we?" "Absolutely."

We rode back to the training grounds as we dismount, Keith put a hand on my shoulder and said, "Son, I really appreciate everything you've done for these two years. The truth is, (Y/N), I'm retiring soon. I need you to take over as I write my retirement speech."

I was shocked. I didn't think he was retiring from training the Cadet Corps this soon. I was in tears a little bit because he was my friend and he was my father's best friend. I understood that he wanted to retire, and I wouldn't stop him. "I understand, Keith. Thank you for your service." I extended my hand and we shook. "Thank-you. Go on. Why don't you get them started in hand to hand combat? I'll watch you and see how you do. Overall, I think you deserve the 'Rookie of The Year' award." I laughed as he laughed too. "I'll get right onto it now. Dismissed." He walked away as I walked towards the recruits. "Alright you no good jackasses! All of you will square up and practice your fighting skills. Get to work!" They saluted. "Sir!"

As I watched them, I noticed Annie wasn't paired with anyone. I blocked her before she walked any further. "Leonhart. What do you think you're doing?" "This whole farce is pointless. It really doesn't count against our final grade." When I heard this, she was right. "Can I tell you a little secret?" She proceeded to listen. "You're correct. It really doesn't count. But if you can do me a favor and pair up with someone for me, I'll give you extra credit. How does that sound?" Annie was excited as she heard it. "Sounds fair." "Dismissed Cadet."

Annie walked away as I saw Conny and Sasha acting like idiots again so I walked up to them to give them a piece of hell. "What the fuck do you think you are, Cadets! Do you think this is playtime?" Conny and Sasha decided to stop looking like idiots and get to work. "That's more like it!"

"Seriously, (Y/N)?" I turned around and it was Ymir. "What do you think of blondie over there?" "Blondie" meaning Krista made me pissed off. "You know what I think, Cadet?" "What?" "Fuck you. Gimme push-ups."

She got on her hands and feet and started pushing up and down. I kneel down to give her hell. "You think you're smarter than me! If you keep this up, you'll never be a soldier! That attitude is what pisses people off around here! Just when you think Kirstein was my problem, guess I have another one! Cadet, you will respect and honor your elders. That is the most sacred rule you could ever break! Don't test me again! Get up!" She got on her feet was breathing a bit heavy. "For now on, every thing you wanna say will be kept to yourself. Do you understand me?" "Yes sir!" "Get out of here and don't piss me off again!"

She walked away and sparred with another cadet. A long way away, Sadies was watching, actually impressed about my training skills.

After an hour, it was time to eat. "Cadets! Dismissed!" They all went their separate ways as Keith was clapping with a smirk and walking over. "I saw what you did with that taller brunette. Good job." I felt humbled, seeing that Keith was retiring and he wants me to take over, but my dream is to join the Scout Regiment, not be a trainer. "Thank-you, Keith. I wish you'd stay around longer." "I know. This is an offer from me: you can stay here and be an instructor for the next batch of recruits, or you can do what your dream was: be a part of the Scouts. If you refuse the instructor position, I understand. I'll postpone my retirement."

I was in shock. Keith wanted to retire but I didn't think he would reconsider. Scouts have been my dream and I wanted to make my parents proud. "Keith. I would love to be the head instructor, but I have to decline so I can join the Scouts and avenge my parents."

Keith heard this and wasn't surprised. He smiled as he put his hand on my shoulder. "I don't agree with your decision, but I respect your passion. I suppose I can retire later on. Go be with your friends. I assume they're expecting you at the dining hall." "I agree. Thank-you Keith." I stuck my hand out again and he shook it. It was firm handshake, not with anger, but kindness and support. Keith wasn't pissed as he usually is, but it seemed like his attitude is changing. We went our separate ways as I changed into my casual clothes and went to the dining hall to eat.

The recruits were happy to see me like always, but I wanna do something different. I wanna give them a speech. They saluted as I saluted back. I said, "Before we eat, I wanna make a speech with all of you."

They sat down and listen.

"As you know, this is my last month as an instructor. I'll be joining the Scouts once you all graduate. You all have worked so damn hard that I'm proud of all of you. You made me proud. Plus, I have another announcement to make. The day before graduation will be my 17th birthday!"

The cadets and actually cheered with happiness! Oh my God! I didn't think they'd give so much support.

"Not only did I have one mentor, I had—". The cadets start chanting "Happy Birthday" to me. I settled them down, humbled. "Thank you. Not only did I have one mentor, I had two. Keith Sadies has given me advice on how to give you guys hell during training, and my father taught me how to be a fucking badass. I really love you all. Whatever your goal is, go for it. I won't stop you. Those titans, they better be ready because once we graduate and we join a branch, they're gonna pay for taking our home. They fucked us, so how about we fuck them back!"

They all cheered as we celebrated. It was chaotic, but really fun. Mikasa looked like she was enjoying herself. Eren was about to get in a fight with Jean, but I gave him a death stare and he sat back down talking with his "boyfriend" Marco.

Okay he wasn't his boyfriend. It was just an insult. The point is he decided not to fuck with Eren after I intervened. He remembered what happened if he spoke like a smartass again and Jean just shut up as I went in his face.

I said, "If I hear you say something like that again, I'll drop you. I guarantee it."

He was done. Done with being smartass. Done with with smart remarks. In fact, he was done with being a dick. Finally, after getting his ass handed to him, Jean changed his attitude. How can I work with someone who doesn't like his fellow cadets?

A Scout's Journal (Attack On Titan X Male Reader)[DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now