Chapter 10

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The whole gang was up early the next morning. Even the lazier among them was full of energy as the party that was to be happening that day had everyone excited. While everyone was busy with the final party prep, Sonic reclined in one of the chairs at poolside, a pair of earbuds in his ear connected to the phone Alex had given him what felt like ages ago now. Alex had helped him to download his favorite Earth tunes, and he was brushing up his memory of a particular song he knew she liked.

Patrick found a couple folding tables in his parents' storage as well as some nice party tablecloths. Mighty, on top of baking the cake for Alex's dad, was also insistent upon making party snacks, among which, of course, would be chili dogs. But he also made foods that he thought everyone would enjoy; fresh fruits (heavy on the grapes), mint candies, Dango sweet dumplings, honey glazed and pudding filled donuts, and a plethora of other various finger foods. Patrick was, naturally, the generous financial backer of this endeavor, and he was more than happy to provide, especially since he wasn't expected to do any of the cooking or baking.

Patrick had just finished setting up the tables when his absent car pulled into the Miller's drive. Patrick smirked and shook his head. Alex had borrowed it without permission. He needed to have a talk with her about that. But just this once, he let it slide, especially when the door opened and out stepped a summer vision. Sonic sat up a little straighter in his seat and yanked out his earbuds.


Alex was a sight for sore September eyes. She looked every bit the beach blanket beauty in a white, off-the-shoulders summer dress with the halter of her bathing suit peeking out from underneath, and a wide-brimmed straw sunhat. She carried a large tote bag over her shoulder. Giggling, she ran up the drive and waved at her friends as she approached the pool house.

"Hey, guys! We lucked out! It was so cloudy this morning, I was afraid it was gonna rain. But look at that blue sky! Hardly a cloud!" She paused to take a look at all the decorations. "Wow! It looks great, Chaotix!"

And to no doubt everyone's astonishment, the first person she threw her arms around was Vector, her feet practically leaving the ground as she hugged him. "Thanks, Vector! You guys really outdid yourselves. You got the deliveries, right?"

Vector wrapped his large arms around her and lifted her off the ground. "Hey kiddo! It was no sweat! No job, big or small, is too much for The Chaotix!"

Espio, standing nearby, crossed his arms and muttered, "My lips are chapped from balloon blowing..."

"And you did such a wonderful job, Espio!" she cried, swooping down on him with another attack-kiss. The chameleon stiffened and, quite literally, turned red. His gaze was completely averted as she reached into her purse and placed a tube of Chapstick in his hand.

"For your lips," she said, pointing to her lips as though to indicate. "Unless of course you'd like me to kiss it on you," she teased, enjoying her ability to make the socially reclusive chameleon blush.

At that prospect, Espio went completely invisible and, with the feeling of a wind whipping by, he retreated to relative safety.

"So," said Vector, raising his scaly brows, "You and Espio, huh?" His large grin made it clear he was joking, but Alex elbowed him anyway.

"Oh, shut up," she said, not without good humor. "He just makes it too easy."

"He never was good with da dames."

"Really? I find that surprising. The girls of your planet don't like the silent, mysterious type?"

"Nah," said Vector, puffing out his chest. "The girls on my planet prefer the strong—"

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