Chapter 12

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Throughout the entirety of Mr. Pelonski's class on Tuesday, Patrick could hear Alex's stomach growling... and that was between the alternating coughs and sneezes. Sunday night, Alex had camped outside with Sonic. And while it had been a warm September so far, the nights were far cooler and the October winds were already beginning to howl through the trees. By Monday evening, she'd developed a cold, but the reason for the growling stomach was anyone's guess. Perhaps she'd skipped breakfast.

It was as they were leaving class, walking side by side down the hallway that Alex fainted. When Patrick managed to rouse her, she was unable to support herself, and he found himself, once more, carrying her on his back.

"I didn't eat anything, okay?" she finally admitted when he hounded her for the third time. "Not since breakfast at your house on Monday.

"Alex, what the hell? Why are you not eating? First you got that cold because you decided to sleep in the woods, and now—"

"But it was so worth it, Patrick! Sonic and I really bonded! I don't regret a moment of it!"

Patrick shook his head. "I was worried about you," he muttered. "I thought something happened. Like Robotnik showed up or something. But that still doesn't tell me why you aren't eating."

"Well..." She chewed her lip. "Don't tell Sonic and the others, but I kinda spent all my grocery money for the week on stuff for the party."

Patrick sighed. "I knew it. I'm getting you food and some hot tea."

Alex smiled and closed her eyes, resting her head on the back of his shoulder. "You're gonna take care of me? Aww, Pat..." she cooed, giggling softly.

He could feel her threatening to doze off, which would be dangerous if she lost her grip and fell off. Patrick bent forward more and hoisted her further onto his back. "Hey, wake up. Don't slip. And yes. Alex, I could always lend you some money. Or hell, I can get you food. It's not a problem. You can't just not eat."

"But you shouldn't," she replied weakly. "S'like you said, remember? You're not rich. Just your parents." She nuzzled sleepily into his neck. "But if you feed me, I'll be ever so grateful, sempai," and she kissed him behind the ear, presumably because that was only as far as she could reach.

That kiss sent shivers through him. When Alex didn't eat, she was kind of like a drunk. Despite this fact, Patrick couldn't help finding her antics somewhat cute.

As they were closer to Patrick's apartment, he took her there. Though, he seriously hoped Wes wasn't home at the moment. There'd be a lot of explaining to do. To unlock his door, Patrick had to set Alex onto the floor, keeping her against him with a single arm as he pushed open the door with the other.

"Wow. You're so strong and knightly, Sir Patrick," she giggled. "Hey, is this your apartment?"

"We're clear," he said in lieu of an answer. "The roommate is out." He kicked the door closed behind him. When he set her on the couch, Alex took the liberty of sprawling face-first on it.

"Mmm... Sexy bachelor pad," came her muffled voice from the cushions.

"You stay there. Make yourself, um, comfortable?" he said, raising a questioning eyebrow at her current position. "And I'll get something going, okay?"

"T-bone steak. Medium-well," came her muffled reply. "And don't forget the endless breadsticks."

"Ha! Yeah right. Breadsticks... What do you think this is? Olive Garden?"

"When you're here, you're family," she groaned. It seemed she had a particular aversion to that phrase for some reason, though even Alex, in her malnourished state, couldn't seem to put her finger on why this was.

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