Chapter 14

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They arrived at Starlight Convention Center at noon, showed their passes to the event, Liam proudly flashing his VIP pass, and were permitted entrance. North Lake Comic Con was even more crowded than the gaming convention had been. Alex couldn't help but wonder if a big part of that had to do with the particular panel that Charles Boddick was to be presenting. Said panel was scheduled for two o'clock, which gave them time to grab lunch and explore a bit of the convention.

Alex had been right. The girls flocked to Patrick, some dressed as Sailor Scouts themselves, others just fawning fan girls, wanting to pose for pictures with him. This cosplay was incredible, after all! Patrick thought he could get used to this. Alex, of course, had her share of admirers as well, but she remained remarkably unmoved, posing hastily for the occasional picture, but otherwise she remained focused on their mission. Her eyes were constantly searching the place for Robotnik.

It was such a shame. This con looked damned amazing. Patrick really wanted a chance to look at everything. There were so many panels, so many vendors, just so much to see. He just wanted to take it all in. But they were on a mission, and that mission mustn't be forgotten. Patrick received a stark reminder of this as, suddenly, Alex seized him and Liam, and yanked them behind one of the conventions' many decorative pillars.

"He's here!" she hissed.

"Where?" said Liam.

"There!" She pointed. Rising up over the crest of the escalator was Robotnik himself. "Oh God, look at him. He's gone full Eggman."

"Are you kidding me?" said Patrick. "I'd laugh at how ridiculous that is... if I wasn't so freaked out right now."

Indeed, Charles Boddick, Robotnik, was cosplaying as... himself. Or at least the version Earth had created. He'd fully embraced the modern Eggman look just for the occasion. Alex's expression twisted into a glower.

"And of course, Snively's with him," she muttered.

"Who the fuck is Snively?" asked Liam.

"In this case, Edgar Roman," muttered Alex.

And sure enough, Mr. Roman was with him. But Roman wasn't the only one who accompanied him. Sure enough, Sage and Stark, dressed in their usual Kevlar body suits, flanked him on either side. And then, behind them...

"Oh. My. God." said Alex.

"Wait," said Patrick, his eyes going wide. "Those... aren't they from those old cartoons?"

Trailing behind Robotnik's entourage was none other than a pair of the dark gray, military-style infantry robots from the SatAM cartoon.

"SWATbots," Alex murmured. "Man, they're creepy AF in real—" She trailed off abruptly and clutched at Patrick's arm. "Oh my God! It's Scratch and Grounder!"

Sure enough, and perhaps even more absurdly, the last of Robotnik's entourage were the two buffoonish robots from AoStH. With trembling hand, Alex pulled out her phone. "I've got to get a pic of them!"

"Alex!" Patrick quickly grabbed her, pulling her out of view.

"Oh. R-Right. Sorry. For a moment, I just, ya know, geeked out and forgot myself."

They watched as several people flocked around Robotnik and his entourage, snapping pictures and oohing and awing. Alex spied several girls appraising Sage with admiring looks; though to her disgust, a majority of the scantily clad cosplaying girls were draping themselves over Robotnik himself for pictures.

Robotnik was grinning, eating up the attention. In true Dr. Robotnik fashion, he spread his arms wide, acting like a real showman, just like the in-game Dr. Eggman would. "Hahaha! Gather around, friends! Come see the mechanical wonders of the world's most brilliant mind!"

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