Chapter 20

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Patrick was breaking land speed records in his effort to get to Green Creek. It occurred to him he could just text Sonic on that phone Alex gave him, but what a horrible thing to explain over the phone. No, this was a conversation that needed to happen in person. Besides, if he told Sonic over text, the hedgehog might zoom off half-cocked and expose himself... or worse, arrive too early and then Robotnik would do God knows what to Alex. But time was of the essence.

So, with his lips still tingling from Alex's kiss, a kiss he desperately hoped wouldn't be the last, Patrick tore through Scottstown and onto the long desolate country road which led to Green Creek and, ultimately, his parents' property. When he pulled into the drive, he cut the engine and threw open the door, practically spilling out of the car and onto the pavement. He scrambled to his feet, ready to shout for Sonic, but then hesitated. If he looked too panicked, the others would want to know what was wrong. And he couldn't tell them. They weren't supposed to know. If they did, they'd try to accompany Sonic, and Alex would be in even more danger.

Patrick barely paid his furry friends any mind as he hurried across the property in search of Sonic. He gave the Chaotix a wide berth and even avoided Knuckles at all costs, as he knew the echidna would only detain him. They'd become good pals as of late, so Patrick felt bad about blowing him off, but he needed one person and one person only. No one else could help him. They'd only slow him down.

When finding Sonic on his own didn't prove possible, he quickly sought out the one person who he knew could find him. Mighty. Sure enough, the armadillo always seemed to know exactly where his adopted brother was.

Patrick followed his directions to the edge of the property, to the trail at the fringe of the woods. He spotted Sonic immediately, and the sight of him nearly stopped Patrick in his tracks.

This was not Sonic. At least, it wasn't the Sonic he'd grown to know and care about. Not the cocky, happy-go-lucky, devil-may-care speedy blue demon. This was a sad little critter who looked as though he'd lost his best friend. Sitting with his knees at his chest and his face buried in them, and his phone on the ground in front of him as though he were just waiting for someone to call... This was a brokenhearted hedgehog. And in that moment, Patrick realized something; something that made a pit form in his stomach.

Sonic was in love with Alex.

Suddenly, Patrick felt queasy. Thoughts of, Does Alex feel the same about him? were echoed with thoughts of, Alex wouldn't have kissed me if she was in love with Sonic, echoed by thoughts of, But maybe she just doesn't realize. I mean, I didn't realize until now, myself. But if Alex knew... would she return his feelings?

And then, another thing popped into his head; something Liam had said to him the other day.

"From now on, you have my blessing... ya know, to date Alex, if you want. Though I think you're gonna have some competition."

Liam knew! That insightful little kid knew! Why hadn't he said anything?

Patrick shook his head. None of that mattered anymore. The only thing that mattered right now was Alex. And despite Patrick's feelings of unease in regards to Sonic and Alex's relationship, his heart simultaneously went out to the little hedgehog. And he knew if Sonic was to successfully rescue Alex from Robotnik... for him... and for Patrick... for all of them... he needed to be at the top of his game. And to do that, he needed to know how much he meant to Alex.

Sonic didn't move. He didn't even glance up, not even at the sound of Patrick's approach. Noting this, Patrick lowered to his knees in front of the hedgehog and placed his hands on his shoulders. Sonic stiffened at first. But he lifted his head just enough to see who it was, and it wasn't who he'd hoped it be. Patrick wasn't exactly the person he wanted to see right now.

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