Truth Or Dare!

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Everyone gathered around the table and started to play.

"I'll go first!" Said Steve.

"Okay Steve truth or dare?" Nat asked.

"Truth!" Was shouted.

"Softie!" Bruce said to wind up Steve.

"Okay steve, was there some part of you that didn't want to meet Y/N? " Nat asked with a smirk on her face.

"No, not at all, I was really looking forward to it!" Steve replied confidently.

All while Y/n watched and smiled.

"Okay, Nat truth or dare? " Clint asked.

"Dare... Was there really any doubt that I wasn't going to pick dare?" Nat said while holding her 4th drink in her hand.

"Okay I dare you to kiss the person, in this room, who you think is the most attractive!"

"Okay, easy!" Nat replied.

She gets up and wanders around the room. She stops and kisses Steve.

"Okay, okay calm down I don't think he likes it!" Announced Tony with a protective tone.

"Oh Tony you calm down, I loved it actually! " Steve replied sounding flustered.

"Okay Y/n's turn!" Peter exclaimed whilst jumping off his seat.

"Okay I'll go!" Y/n replied.

"Y/n truth or dare?" Wanda asked.

"I'll go.. Dare.. I don't want you all thinking I'm soft it's only my first time meeting you guys! " Y/n said.

"I've got a good one," Thor said "Y/n your dare is that you have to lift my hammer.

" Aha okay I'll give it a shot!" Y/n replies with slight nervousness in her voice.

She walks over to Thor and places her hands on the Hammer. Everyone is watching as Y/n starts to lift the Hammer off it's place on the floor.

"Ayy I did it!" Exclaimed Y/n whilst holding the large hammer in her hand.

Everyone stood there in shock.

"Y/n how did you do that?" Peter asked.

"There's something I haven't been telling you guys... " Y/n said starting to get teary eyed.

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