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"WHAT THE HELL HAVE THEY DONE WITH Y/N!" Tony yelled in spite.

"I'm not sure Tony, but I can analize the footprints if you want." Bruce said test tube in hand.

They agree and bruce analizes the footprints in his lab. All of a sudden Bruce starts to turn a vibrant green and says, "That no good, son of a gun, slimy little -"

He gets interuppted by Nat saying, "Hey, hey, hey, it's okay calm down we're all here whats the matter?" She calms Bruce down enough for him to tell them what he saw.

"It's Loki, he found the compound and as his revenge must have taken Y/n!" Bruce said with anger in his eyes.

"We have to find her!" Nat and Peter say simultaneously.

"I think I know where Loki may have taken her. Most people might think he would have gone to azgard but no... That's what he wants you to think... He has 100% taken her to our old garage
.. It's been abandoned for nearly 30 years nobody would think to look there." Thor explained while pacing around the room.

"Well, where is it?" Nat said giving Thor a if you don't tell me you will regret it look.

Thor tells them and they all set off to save Y/n!

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