Find Y/n!

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Everyone suits up and set off.

"It's this way!" Thor yells pointing finger in the direction of left.

"Wait no it's over here!" Thor then yells pointing at the old, messed up building, about a mile right.

"Hold on Y/n..we are coming." Peter wispers to himself while keeping his fingers crossed.

Everyone arrives at the old garage to see Loki standing blocking the entrance with Y/n chained up with tape over her mouth.

"Oh goodie, your little friends have come to save you, this makes my job 10 times more fun" Loki says pulling out a g*n from his coat.

Nat quickly thinks, puts her hands on her temples and concentrates very hard. "Y/n I know you can hear me.. I want you to kick the g*n out of Lokis hands so it slides over to me. Then kick him in the back so he falls over. Peter will come untie you and Thor can take care of Loki. "

Y/n uses her mind reading and nods in Nats direction.

"What is she doing? " Steve asked giving Nat a worried look.

"You'll see!" Nat replies with a big grin on her face.

While Loki was distracted, trash talking the avengers, Y/n takes a deep breath. Kicks her leg up and knocks the g*n out of his hand, sending it across the floor to Nat. This was followed by her (not sticking to the plan) and using her super strength to break out of the chains put Loki in a head lock. Throw him over her shoulder and standing on him.

All while Nat stood there with a smirk on her face because she was so proud.

Peter runs over to Y/n and checks if she's okay.

"Are you hurt?" Peter asks not prepared for the answer.

"Y-yes, I t-think so." Y/n replied.

Y/n passes out and lands in Peters arms.

"She is too weak. She must have used all her energy to get out of those chains." Tont says teary eyed.

Bruce runs over and sees Y/n. He tells the rest of the crew that she will be fine and just needs to rest.

"You sure?" Peter says while holding you.

Bruce nods and walks away.

Peter carrys you back to the compound and lays you on his bed.

He sits by the side of you holding your hand and doesn't let go.

Everyone keeps visiting and leaving, but Peter stayed with you the whole time.

*fast forward a week*

It has now been a week and you are awake and feeling okay.

You have been awake for 3 days now but are taking things slow.

Peter has been so helpful with taking care of you.

*fast forward another week*

You are 100% better now and to celebrate Tony is throwing another party tonight!

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