The Secret!

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Tony gathered everyone in the living room and gave Y/n some room to tell her story.

"So, I have only known you all for at least 3 hours but I think it's time you know my secret." Y/n announced the whole room watching.

"When I was little I lived with my mum, which I didn't mind because at the time I wasn't too clear on the fact that my dad was a billionaire!" Y/n said whilst laughing.

Everyone laughed with her!

"So, where were we? Oh yes, I lived with my mum when I was little because my dad was too busy and although I had powers he just wanted to keep me safe. But when mum died dad had no choice but to keep me here. "

Y/n carries on and tells them all about her life.

"Now, I am a 17 year old who lives in her fathers attic and has loads of powers that she doesn't know what to do with?!" 

"Wow, Y/n I'm so sorry I didn't know!" Peter said, purely because he was the only one sober and knew the others probably weren't listening.

"It's okay, now I'm going to bed it's getting quite late." Y/n said mid yawn.

"Hey Y/n why don't you sleep in my room tonight we can watch movies?" Peter asked nervously.

"Sure, why not!" Y/n replied.

Both of you them headed upstairs and went to Peters bedroom.  

"So what do you want to watch?" Peter asked.

*Peters mind* "please be Star Wars! "

"How about Star Wars?" Y/n said gigging.

"Yes! Thats my favourite how did you know? " Peter said sounding shocked.

"One of my many powers is mind reading!" Y/n replied laughing to herself.

"Oh okay haha!" Said Peter still a bit shocked.

About an hour into the movie they both fell asleep. Not knowing that they weren't the only two sober. Wanda (who is also sober) tip toed quietly into the room and took a photo of how they both fell asleep.

In the morning, Wanda showed the photo to everyone

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In the morning, Wanda showed the photo to everyone.

"Awe they are so cute!" Nat exclaimed puppy eyed.

"Yeah, yeah, I will be having words with Peter later now everyone just needs to forget this whole situation has happened." Tony commanded very protectivly.

"Fine, but I'm not sure how you want us to forget, they are adorable! " Wanda excitedly exclaimed.

"Just do it, and as for Parker he will be getting a talking too!" Tony defensivly argued back.

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