Where is Y/N?

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It was the next morning, the morning after Wanda took the photo, and everyone was in their own rooms either waking up or getting changed.

Peter was the first one awake. Or so he thought.

He went downstairs to get some breakfast and saw Tony sitting at the kitchen island.

He had his head in his hands. His eyes looked to be closed and his body was nearly falling off the stool he was sat on.

Peter, not knowing what was wrong, walked past him to get to the cereal.

Then, Tony awoke from his not very deep sleep and gave Peter a death stare.

Peter looked at Tony with wide eyes.

*Peters mind* "oh no did I forget to do the dishes, or did I forget to do the laundry??"

Tony doesn't bat an eyelid until Peter blurts out, "Oh come on Mr Stark just tell me what I've done already!"

Tony replies with" Kid what was you thinking sleeping next to MY DAUGHTER! "

"Ohhh, sorry Mr Stark it was nothing we were watching a movie and fell asleep then Wanda had to come take a picture of us. Really Mr Stark it was -"

Peter gets interuppted by a loud BANG!

"WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT!" Tony exclaimed while ducking for cover .

"ARGHHH! HELP!" Y/n screamed from her bedroom.

"Oh no, it's Y/n!" Peter announced starting to run upstairs.

Peter and Tony run upstairs and bump into Nat, Steve and Wanda who had come out to the hall after hearing the bang.

"It's Y/n she's in trouble!" Tony said pointing to Y/n's room.

Everyone ran into y/n's room to see her not there. The only thing that remaind in the room was broken window glass on the floor and muddy footprints.

"She's been taken!!" Nat said looking over at Tony with a shocked look on her face!

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