Senku Ishigami

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Random head canons:
- He likes memes enough said
- Def laughed at that one video of the slice of bread falling over (see video above)
- Has had a crush o n c e and never again
- My man would never admit it tho
- Okok but real quick crack head canon about his hair:
- Originally it was actually spiky when he was young (like we've all seen those crazy pics of kids with really spiky hair)
- Byakuya was just like "If he likes it why should I change it"
- Eventually it started to grow down tho but Senku used hair gel and hair spray to keep it in place
- I know what y'all are thinking: "But Chimuko what about in the stone world?" Now hear me out on this-
- He shaved his head while in Africa studying Ebola cuz it was really hot there
- And because he styled it the same way for years it just grew back kinda coarse and in that position
- When Senku realized this he was actually happy he didn't have to waste money on hair products anymore XD
- Also why it stays like that in the stone world, it just
- Grows like that LOL
- He probably brought explosives to the park before the stone world cuz he was doing an experiment and needed space
- He almost got arrested for this
- Was lowkey jealous his dad went to space before he did but is actually really proud of him
- He needs to be reminded to eat and sleep sometimes because he gets so into a project
- is actually a really good artist
- After all food is just science right?
- God the amount of chemical burns this boy has gotten by accident is so concerning
- Does that thing in the grocery store where he hops on the cart while he pushes it (I just think this would be cute ianwkddoisjwskdkxoa)
- Plays so many video games and has probably at least once tried to design/program his own
- Yuzuriha has painted his nails before. No I will not elaborate
- Taiju convinced Senku to try out for a sports team once.....
- It didn't end well
- Takes those weird quizes online like "What kind of pizza topping would you be" just so he can make fun of them
- Secretly is interested in them tho cuz how do they get their conclusions?? The scientist in him is showing
- Genuinely sees Ishigami village as his responsibility and wants the best for all them 🥺
- This man says "fuck" so often it's almost religiously
- Tries not to say it too much in front of the village kids but he lets it slip once in a while

Relationship head canons:
- Oh he's teasing his S/O any chance he gets
- Period.
- PDA? Eh. He's not much for it
- At most a peck on the lips tbh
- It takes a bit but eventually he's gonna wanna cuddle his S/O every time they're alone
- In the lab alone? Cuddle.
- Sitting in the science shack? Cuddle.
- Mining for minerals? Well it may be a bit difficult but he'd sure as hell try
- Would run a lot of his plans by his S/O and tell them exclusive things
- Like something about the plan that will fall into place later that no one else knows about yet
- Once he's more comfortable with his S/O he'd be fine if you carry him around the village
- The boy has low stamina as is, just give him a break lmao
- Would call his S/O his best lab assistant or partner in crime
- They would be a power couple hands down
- Catches himself doodling a picture of his S/O when he's thinking or drawing a blue print
- If his S/O said "I love you" and he was ready for it, he'd be all nonchalant and say something dumb like "I know" and then get all blushy later when they're alone and say he loves them too
- If his S/O said "I love you" and he wasn't ready well... His S/O has broken the poor boy, Senku.exe has stopped working
- Making his S/O gifts is his main source of showing affection
- Even if his S/O mentioned something in passing without much meaning behind it
- boom
- He'll put it on their bed or in the lab where he knows they'll find it
- He's ok with pet names but he'd rather be called something sweet than do the calling
- Tries his best and would honestly treat first times with his S/O (in regards to anything not just that ya nasties) as expirments
- But not in a rude or inhumane way obviously
- Just like quietly taking notes to himself or takes extra long to do or say something new because he's going over all the possible outcomes in his head
- His S/O has to be a little patient with King of Science or else you'll get him flustered hehe
Word count: 826
Authors note: Ahh I went a lil over board on this one XD But I simp for the science club president so what can ya do ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Anyway just a reminder, my requests are open so go see my request book!

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