Tsukasa Shishio

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Random head canons:
- He likes to chill in hot tubs idk why I just think he would
- Was actually pressured by his parents to get into martial arts
- He was just used by industries for money and to show off to opponents more than fight them
- He rarely had a say in what he does or what fights/gigs he picked up to do
- Genuinely got tired of winning all the time
- He wishes he had better people to fight so he could improve even more (if that's even possible at his level)
- Everyone sees him as too intimidating to befriend him in the pre-petrification world
- H a t e s the title "The Strongest High School Primate" with a passion omg
- Actually wanted to go into the medical field instead of martial arts
- Eventually just gave up and succumbed to fighting being his only real talent
- Senku was the first person he ever "killed"
- Besides the statues of course
- But he actually wishes Senku was alive
- HEAR ME OUT ON THIS POINT THO (this is by far one of my biggest head canons for Tsukasa)
- When he thought he killed Senku he did feel some remorse
- When he was off on his own for a day or so (before Taiju and Yuzuriha went back to meet up with him) he had nightmares about Senku dying
- When the duo found him again and asked to joined him obviously he was suspicious at first but agreed to help them out of guilt
- He found is so strange that they came back after he "killed" their friend so he started to spiral into paranoia
- He began thinking Senku could actually be alive and that's why Taiju and Yuzuriha came back
- This is also the reason that, once he built up his army, sent Gen out to find proof
- Tsukasa was practically begging he was alive
- Cuz killing a person you had shared conversations with is different than smashing some rocks that look like people
- When Tsukasa finally found out Senku was alive he was actually a bit relieved
- He hates the part of himself who was tho
- He was so mad at himself for not following up in Senku's death right away to make sure he stayed dead
- Immediately promised himself he'd make sure Senku was dead for real next time and show no emotion towards him
- "Honestly how could I be such a coward" he'd reason with himself for a few days about what his best for his civilization
- Swore to never again feel any kind of guilt towards his actions during these Stone Wars
- Anyway he's a cat person-
- He definitely has above average intelligence (still not even close to Senku's IQ tho hehe)
- Has secretly been working on very small inventions so that once the Kingdom of Science is destroyed, they won't be at a total loss of modern tech. (ie: heaters, indoor plumbing, mattress, etc.)

Relationship head canons:
- Would revive his S/O first <3
- Well at least one of the first anyway
- He'd have his S/O by his side at all times. No exceptions
- He needs to make sure his S/O doesn't get hurt in the rowdy crowd of his Empire
- Would tell his S/O all his ideas and plans
- Or anything that's on his mind honestly
- Hugs!!!!! A lot of them
- Craves physical affection like it's going out of style
- Smiles a lot more around his S/O
- Sometimes wonders why his S/O is even with him
- Commitment issues? Yeah 💔
- His S/O has gotta be there to comfort him sometimes cuz his mind goes to the worst possible outcome so often
- Is so afraid his S/O will get hit in the cross fire of battle that he panics just thinking about it
- Would 100% teach his S/O some martial arts!!!
- Would get small animals as pets/gifts for his S/O
- He would want to start a family with his S/O once they date for a loooong time (even if it's just small animals and eachother)
- He's probably dated before but they were all just fans of his trying to get in his pants :/ and he definitely doesn't like talking about it
- Would let his S/O sit in his lap while he's on his lil throne
- Probably tries using really cheesy pick up lines and then gets embarrassed when his S/O laughs at his attempts
- Only ever says or does sweet stuff when him and his S/O are away from everyone
- Partly because of his reputation and partly because he's shy as heck
- PDA? Nope. Not even if his S/O begged him
- Would talk in a more gentle tone around his S/O
- His worst nightmare would be to accidentally make his S/O afraid of him
- Which he already worries about anyway
- Loves being the big spoon at night when they're drifting off to sleep
- Anyone even looks at his S/O wrong and he's already pulling out a spear
Word count: 838
Authors note: ngl......I hate Tsukasa- But if ya simp, ya simp. Gotta respect my fellow weebs. Check out my request book if you enjoyed :D

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