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Random head canons:
- Awful at science and math let's be real here
- Not to say she's stupid cuz she's not.
- Good with plans and strategies for sure!!
- Radiates lesbian vibes but honestly I could see her being pan too
- Cold to her dad and doesn't realize it
- Probably had mommy issues ngl
- After hearing Lillian's voice on the record she's tried singing in the forest or when she's alone
- Just about anything honestly
- Is better at fighting when she has a weapon
- Kohaku trains everyday and never slacks off
- Like ever
- Her sister is her best friend 100%
- Ready to throw hands with anyone at any given second
- She hides her true feelings and emotions cuz she's "the strong one"
- Literally hates Ginro but tries her best to tolerate him
- Best and fastest person able to start a fire
- Such good morals omg
- She's also a really good judge of character it's almost scary
- Kohaku knows Chrome is a bit scared of her and often feels guilty about it
- Her and Ruri do each other's hair all the time
- Over exerts herself sometimes cuz she takes on more than she can handle
- Is able to hunt animals like no one's business lmao
- Thinks she could kill someone
- She couldn't
- She's too good of a person to follow thru with it
- Teaches small kids how to fight and defend themselves
- Will sometimes sit in the hot springs by her self and just vibe tbh
- Especially late at night
- Would go feral if any of the guys in the village caught her naked
- Has a soft spot for Gen because of all the shit he's been put thru for the kingdom of science
- Ya know like almost dying cuz of Magma
- Actually doesn't eat alot
- When Ruri was sick she'd just give almost all her food to her
- Best. Endurance. In. The. Village.
- Owns like 5 other dresses but just wears the one out of convenience
- Kohaku and Ruri 10 billion percent make clothes and accessories together (especially when they were smol)
- Swears pretty often I think (Gen and Senku teach her (old?)new curses)
- Superiority complex but hides it well
- Sees Suika as a younger sister and loves her so much
- Loves the sound of rain
- Would totally be a gymnast or martial artist in the pre-petrification world
- Will probably gain an obsession with music once there's more in the stone world hehe

Relationship head canons:
- The sweetest girl omg
- She's gonna jump in front of her S/O when there's danger
- Doesn't matter how good or bad her S/O is at fighting she has to protect them
- Will ask her S/O to train with her so they can both get stronger
- Blushes like crazy when her S/O gives her a compliment
- Would literally go ape shit if someone hurt her S/O
- She'd do the pocky game with her S/O (obviously not with actual pocky cuz ya know... Stone World)
- Would probably talk about marriage like it's nothing to be honest
- She's rejected almost every guy in the village and that's just fact
- She's a hugger when it comes to her S/O
- Kohaku isn't a fan of PDA tho
- Will hug and hold hands but that's it
- Behind closed doors she'd be a cuddler tho and have deep talks with her S/O while doing so
- Dancing in the rain with her S/O? Y e s.
- Feels bad if her S/O gets sick afterwards tho and does everything she can to make them feel better again
- She gets jealous easily
- So her S/O has better reassure her often that they only have eyes for her!!!
- *insert Chrome and/or Ginro teasing Kohaku and her S/O to no end*
- She kicks their asses more often now so they cut it out
- Brings her S/O food as a gift usually
- Mostly her love language would be words probably????? Like compliments and reassurance
- Wants to spend all her time with her S/O but is just always training
- She feels like she's neglecting her S/O but really she's trying so hard and doing amazing
- Sometimes shows off to her S/O and acts all smug about it
- Definitely says "I love you" first
- She is gonna be someone her S/O can rely on even if it kills her
- She just wants them to be happy man. Is that too much to ask?
- Would sing for her S/O if they asked but she'd be embarrassed at first
Word count: 756
Authors note: Kohaku is the superior woman. Enough said. (Requests are open 👀 Go see my request book)

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