Taiju Oki

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Random head canons:
- He didn't have many friends pre-stone world
- He was really loud and outgoing and it kinda put people off
- Loves dogs. 100% a dog person
- He has good taste in fashion partly on his own and partly because of Yuzuriha
- Addicted to his phone pre-stone world
- He had it on him at all times
- Always said it was "for emergencies" which wasn't exactly a lie but he was just more comfortable having it
- Considers Senku his best friend (maybe even his brother)
- Could not keep a part time job for shit
- He would try his best but he's too much of a clutz
- Plus the customers kept thinking he was yelling at them when in reality he just talks loud
- This man could live off meat honestly he loves it
- Definitely not that much of a picky eater tho
- I kinda see him as panromantic and asexual 👀
- He can not dance but he does anyway
- He loves romcoms omg he can't get enough of them
- I bet he would love to sunbathe on the beach lol
- Sometimes gets self conscious about his intelligence but it doesn't last long
- He's perfectly fine being the simple one
- This dude loves anything with sugar in it (specifically pie)
- He's so confident in his morals omg
- He cries and hugs people alot
- Even if it's not anything big
- You won a medal at the science fair? Here comes the bear hug and water works
- He's so wholesome
- And also proud of everyone he knows
- Pre-stone world he liked to read comic books and collect action figures
- He definitely watched anime and read manga too >:] (he's one of us now)
- Taiju likes to stay in shape and run around like there's no tomorrow
- Even in the stone world he still works out and runs everyday
- Taiju's memory is pretty crap ngl but he tries
- Taiju probably wanted to become a zoo keeper or something to do with animals pre-petrification
- Never has and never will, understand why people are toxic or mean for no reason
- All he can do is see the good in the world 🥺
- Refuses to say any swear word worse than hell
- He's pure and would never cuss anyone out
- Taiju is a really really good swimmer like this man should join a club
- Is super fascinated with space because of Senku

Relationships head canons:
- Taiju is the marrying type ofc
- Physical affection 24/7
- He'll show off his S/O all the time
- He'll bring his S/O anything that reminds him of them
- Flowers, food, gems even an animal like a squirrel
- "S/O!! I brought you this!" *insert Taiju struggling to hold a wild rabbit*
- Cuddles every night!!!!!!!
- He's gonna want to make his S/O feel safe and comfortable all the time no matter what
- He's so soft and wholesome and just wants his S/O to feel protected when he's around
- He'll stand in front of his S/O if they're scared
- Smooches his S/O when he's happy or excited
- He'd let his S/O sit in his lap anytime. Anywhere.
- He'll do his best to remember things about his S/O even if it's small stuff
- This man has 2 brain cells and one is dedicated to just info about his S/O and the other is everything else
- Taiju would do anything he can to make his S/O laugh it's so cute
- He wants them to feel as happy as he is!!
- Date night omg
- He'd want to arrange date nights often
- Would love to make his S/O jewelry or clothes in his spare time in the stone world
- He's a little shy when he's alone with his S/O
- He doesn't know what to do with himself
- His S/O can make him blush so easily
- Taiju would love to make food with his S/O
- Holding them from behind while watching them cook or bake 😩
- If his S/O wears glasses he'd want to try them on fake or real lol
- He will carry his S/O around because he can
- That's like the only reason pfft
- He wouldn't let his S/O do work/labour
- He'll step in and do all the work so his S/O doesn't have to worry
- If his S/O takes over work for him???? He's gonna be a blushing mess
- He's flattered that his S/O would participate in back breaking work for him
- He'd get all soft and say thank you in 1000 different ways
- Massages omg he loves giving and receiving them
- If him and his S/O were serious he'd totally talk about getting promise rings or something like that
Word count: 791
Authors note: Ahhh this boi is so soft but I could only ever see him with Yuzuriha 🤣 If you like this book so far consider making a request! Check out my request book :3

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