Gen Asagiri

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Random head canons:
- He's bisexual, there I said it
- But seriously there's no way that man is straight
- Has had show pigeons shit on him during his magic shows more often than he'd like to admit
- Sings in the shower for sure
- Has definitely drank underage at least once even before the stone world
- Does magic shows for the kids in the village no doubt
- Was told by his producers and agent to dye the other half of his hair black so it was more "aestheticly pleasing"
- He actually is a bit self conscious about it
- Really really flexible
- Is the kind of person who, if they break something, will either hide it or fix it just enough so the next person to touch it will think they broke it
- Terrified of Tsukasa and his army but doesn't show it often
- Knows how to make flower crowns
- Has a driver's license but is actually an awful driver
- He still doesn't know how he got it
- Mama's boy.
- Yeah that's right I said it
- Suika keeps asking him what a harem is and he struggles to come up with excuses the more she askes
- Has always wanted to try acting, whether in a movie or TV show, he just thinks it'd be cool
- Thinks coco cola is better than pepsi
- Tried an energy drink once and regretted it
- Has probably only ever dated like 3 people max
- He's a hugger 100%
- Gets a long really well with Kaseki and Ruri
- He's so awful at math it's not even funny, he's happy Senku is around to do the science-y stuff too
- He's a cat person for sure
- Likes pickles and tomatos
- Don't ask why he just gives that vibe
- Loved vine when it was alive
- Has smoked weed at least once I'm sure of it
- He probably specialized (pre-stone World) in those cliche magic tricks like cutting someone in half or pulling a rabbit out of a hat tbh
- Also any and all card tricks
- Has gotten hired for a rich snobby kids bday once and it was the worst job he'd ever taken
- The lil rats kept Googling how his tricks worked
- Gen is probably afraid of zombies and vampires and all that crap
- Based on how he was self centered when first introduced he was probably a touch starved kid
- Misses online shopping in the stone world

Relationship head canons:
- He's a lil clingy
- Before the stone world he's definitely a person who would send good morning and good night texts
- or even calls if he's feeling especially clingy
- Tries so so hard to reassure his S/O when they feel down
- Does magic tricks for his S/O when they're sad
- Shows off his S/O given the chance
- Wouldn't mind if his S/O showed him off too
- PDA is his forte omg this man-
- He'd cuddle his S/O in front of the whole village
- He's definitely more handsy in private tho 👀 if ya know what I mean
- Pet. Names.
- His S/O probably won't remember the last time they were called by their actual name
- It's all sweetie, honey, babe, angel, etc.
- He'd be a little protective of his S/O
- Not like he's very strong but he'd try
- Just to tease his S/O he'd walk up to them and sing their name or pet name and say "Gimme a kiss~"
- Bonus points if it's in front of 2+ people lol
- He likes being comforted cuz sometimes he thinks back to the old world and gets sad
- Tries not to worry his S/O one bit but they can always tell when something's up
- Gen is pretty open about his emotions I think, he'd spill the beans about what's knocking around in his head if you asked him nicely
- He would want to share a bed with his S/O every night for sure
- Dating for 1 day or 1000 he just wants them close
- He'd let his S/O borrow all his clothes no matter the time of year
- Anything even remotely worth celebrating his S/O is getting a hug
- He squeezes them tight and doesn't want to let go
- Head pats!!!!
- Gen doesn't mind getting them or if his S/O plays with his hair cuz he'd definitely do the same
- Talks about marriage a l o t if him and his S/O are really close
Word count: 737
Authors note: I thought Gen was stinky man when I first saw him but at least he's on the kingdom of sciences team (See my request book cuz my requests are open 👀)

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