
400 16 4

Random head canons:
- This man bathes once a year I swear
- He's too cocky for his own good
- Jealous that Kinro got more attention from their parents when they were young
- Will eat literally. Anything.
- Has tried to touch Senku's hair on more than one occasion and always gets his hand slapped away
- Wishes he was a better fighter and less of a wimp
- Ginro tries to be more confident in his abilities but sometimes he gets in his own head too often
- Is terrified of Magma
- Teases people non stop in the village especially if he here's someone has a crush
- This poor boy just wants to be included in what's happening
- Has no intention of learning a lot of science he's just going with the flow
- Has probably asked out every girl in the village (and has been rejected by all of them)
- I kinda see him as bi tho??
- He's horny. Pretty sure everyone gets that vibe from him.
- Cuts the hair of people in the village
- Started out just doing Kinro's and then everyone went 👀
- He thinks science is more scary than cool but it's pretty even
- Trained to become a guard and warrior because he looks up to Kinro
- When he's asleep nothing can wake this man up
- Once he's out. He's out.
- He's awful at hunting
- He just relies on Kinro lol
- He wants to be included more in big stuff and not be seen as a coward
- Ginro wants to be respected but he's dug his own grave in that regard
- He can be selfish 100%
- Definitely has gotten into shit for his own gain and totally screwed over the village
- An example of this would be Ginro hoarding food during the winter
- Man's just keeps a bunch of stored away for himself like a squirrel
- Kinro finds out and goes ape shit
- He makes Ginro return in all and apologize to everyone
- "I was afraid I'd run out of things to eat!" 🥺
- He's not all the bright but I'm pretty sure that's obvious lol
- I feel like he'd be pansexual idk
- Cuddles and pillows blankets when he sleeps!!!!
- He actually has decent aim when throwing/shooting something
- Hates getting up early. Period.

Relationship head canons:
- He's showing off his S/O anyway he can
- Def a virgin tho
- He'd want to show off and impress his S/O all the time
- He'd definitely want to eat together everyday 🥺
- Hugs!! Anytime something cool happens he's gonna hug his S/O
- Flexes being in a relationship to everyone else whose single
- His S/O has gotta reassure him alot tho! Cuz tons of people will probably tell his S/O that they could do better and it really gets him down behind closed doors
- Shy when it comes to asking for bigger things like sleeping next to eachother, giving/getting a piggy back ride, etc.
- Would love if his S/O borrowed his clothes!
- Ginro wants his S/O to play with his hair for sure
- Will cuddle his S/O all night no matter what
- "Here's some fruit I found S/O, you can have it." 👉👈
- He'd be so fricking soft tho he just wants to be loved
- Really wants to keep a relationship going as long as he can
- Probably afraid of being single/his S/O leaving him
- He will kiss his S/O anywhere
- Just wants to smooch them either for his comfort or theirs
- Is gonna do everything in his power to keep his S/O happy and comfortable
- His crackhead energy would probably rub off on his S/O if they aren't already crazy
- If his S/O does something nice for him or dresses up he's gonna be so grateful and would probably cry
- He loves receiving gifts or affection but he's fine giving too
- He's a bit clingy especially when he's feeling insecure or scared
- He would want to protect his S/O but he'd also want some reassurance before a fight from them
- Wants to style his S/Os hair 🥺
- Holds his S/Os face in his hands late at night when they talk
- Intimacy? He'd be so shy and flustered please be gentle with him
- He wouldn't know what to do honestly but he'd pretend he does
Word count: 730
Authors note: Ginro is on some next level shit I swearr this man needs to sit still for once Lmao Requests are open btw! See my request book :]

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