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Random head canons:
- Wishes he had siblings for sure
- He would want to share science with them ;;
- Chalk (the puppy) was originally his dog but Suika fell in love with him so now he basically belongs to her
- Chrome doesn't mind tho
- Sometimes flinches when Magma moves too quickly
- Chrome has day dreamed about what it'd be like to marry Ruri more than once
- Senku and Gen have caught him zoning out and mumbling about her
- They tease him about it obviously
- Chrome was into sorcery/science even before Ruri got sick
- Her falling ill was just the push he needed to commit to it
- When Chrome was tiny I feel like he was probably bullied for being into "sorcery"
- The boy tries so hard to impress Senku
- Calls himself Senku's apprentice but never tells anyone
- Likes making stuff out of snow and ice in the winter
- Once threw a snow ball at Kinro and Kinro almost killed him
- He gets really sad when he thinks about all the statues that are waiting to be revived
- He wishes they could just save everyone already but he knows it's gonna take time
- Still gets kinda teary-eyed tho
- He hasn't even seen Tsukasa and is afraid of him
- Could sit and ask Senku questions for literal hours
- Before Senku came to the village Chrome was the smartest person there
- Chrome is in no way a picky eater
- This boy will try anything once
- Loves sugar and gets a sugar rush sometimes now that they've discovered sugar crystals
- Gets so into science he forgets to sleep for days at a time and gets very sleep deprived
- Eventually just passes out somewhere
- Has a fascination with plants and herbs
- Wants to learn about them all and what they do
- Secretly thinks Gen uses sorcery and not science sometimes because he can't figure out his tricks
- Is actually a good swimmer
- Has tried to eat more stones/ores than he'd like to admit
- He was just testing to see if they were edible!!!
- Note: none of them are
- Chrome probably likes to craft stuff as well as go on explorations alone
- Has made Suika and Ruri little gadgets or toys

Relationships head canons:
- He's gonna try so hard to make his S/O proud
- He wants to show off a little to them and impress them
- He's so hands on
- Its adorable
- He wants his S/Os affection and physical company
- Loves to rant about sorcery- I mean science, to his S/O
- I can totally see him being all confident about going on a date and thinking he has it in the bag
- But he actually has his shirt on backwards, shows up an hour early and doesn't stop stuttering
- He thinks he's all that but he's shy around his S/O cuz he realizes he doesn't have his science tricks to impress them
- Flowers. Every. Day.
- This boy
- His S/O is getting fresh flowers every morning no doubt
- He might get a bouquet, make a flower crown or just bring his S/O a "really badass" looking one
- Kisses on the back of his S/Os hand!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Every time he learns something new he has to tell his S/O about it first
- Will take his S/O to the hot springs alone to be intimate (not anything dirty cuz he's def a blushing virgin)
- Just hugs and bathing together honestly
- Will keep his S/O safe to the best of his abilities oh man-
- Dangerous missions? Nope S/O stays here
- Going against Tsukasa? Keeps his S/O hidden
- Senku wanting his S/O to do labor? He'll cover for them uwu
- Late night talks are very common with his S/O
- He finds something shiny? Gotta show his S/O on the double
- It's pretty like them 👉👈
- Soft kisses on his S/Os tummy any time any place
- He likes to rest his head on them (specifically their stomach)
- Will ask to play with his S/Os hair but is really shy about it
- Literally is so nonchalant about PDA
- Will absolutely kiss and cuddle his S/O in front of the whole village and wouldn't bat an eye
- Would probably only participate in PDA once he's more comfortable tho
- Please don't tease this cutie about his intelligence 🥺 Since Senku is around he gets self conscious about his smarts so his S/O better comfort him!!!!!
- Probably gets nightmares sometimes and will want cuddles after (only cuddles with his S/O of course)
- "Hey S/O! We should- We should do science experiments together!" This. This right here, is the closest thing to "Will you go out with me?" that Chrome can manage without blushing like crazy
Word count: 788
Authors note: Chrome is baby. In this essay I will-
I love Chrome tho fr he's my son uwu If you liked these head canons considering making a request! (See my request book on my page!)

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