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Random here canons:
- Hoards glasses like Iida from BNHA (see pic above)
- He really wants his golden spear back 😔
- Thinks about breaking the rules all the time but he's loyal and a good guy so he follows them anyway
- Does this cuz it's the right thing to do
- Has totally had a bunch of crushes but never acts on them
- Kinda see him as bi tbh????? Idk
- Maybe also asexual
- Better at fighting than Magma 100%
- He wants to take on Tsukasa because he thinks he could handle him
- Cares about Ginro so much 🥺
- Kinro is probably one of the few people in the village who actually makes good food
- This man would be a good cook in the pre-stone world with all the access to new spices n stuff
- So awkward when it comes to physical touch omg
- Even just platonically like high fives, pats on the shoulder or hugging this man does not know what he's doing
- Would actually love????? Novels???? Like they don't have them in the stone world but still
- Definitely has heard the 100 tales from Ruri 10 billion times
- Best hygiene in the village. Enough said.
- He wants a pet
- Dog, bird, whatever he just wants an animal to take care of
- Gives Chalk treats all the time
- Suika has caught him feeding Chalk on multiple occasions and he denies doing it every time
- Surprisingly a lil violent
- Like he's down to spar anyone but he's not holding back no matter who you are
- Gets carried away and could possibly injure his opponent when it's just practice
- More often than not it's Ginro
- A bit envious of Kohaku's skill
- Kinro was probably brought up more strictly (being older than Ginro and all) which is why he always says "the rules are the rules" cuz it's just been etched into his head
- Kinro is somewhat jealous of Ginro for being so care free and not having as much stress from their parents as he did
- He's probably really flexible
- idk why I can just picture it
- Before he got his glasses from Senku I feel like he probably got so many headaches from squinting all the time ;-;
- He could kick Magma's ass six ways from Sunday and that's. A. Fact.
- Especially since he has his glasses now!
- Slight trust issues and it takes a but for him to talk to people casually
- If you told this man a secret, he'd take it to his grave. No questions asked
- Is actually pretty interested in science but doesn't think he's smart enough to attempt it

Relationship head canons:
- He'd be so soft wtf 😫
- Kinro would try his best to be an amazing boyfriend but his S/O needs to take it slow with him
- He gets so flustered so fast
- His nearly beat up Ginro for teasing him
- "Don't worry S/O I'll protect you!"
- Would break the rules for his S/O (but don't tell anyone 👀)
- He'd want to be by their side all the time
- Definitely seems like the kind of guy who would feed his S/O if they asked nicely
- He'd be blushing the whole time tho
- Would let his S/O try on his glasses for sure
- If his S/O somehow got him a gold spear he'd probably cry and promise to keep it safe
- Might show off a bit to his S/O??? But not anything over the top
- Would definitely teach his S/O how to battle and call it a date lmao
- Kinro would ask to cuddle his S/O at night tbh
- This man is a virgin thru and thru so his S/O gotta be careful with him
- Is very very nervous when he's alone with his S/O
- Even if they have tasks to do and are just chilling he's going crazy inside
- I think he'd simply ✨pass away✨if his S/O said "I love you"
- He'd definitely want to fight by his S/Os side if they were a good fighter (he'd still protect them tho$$
- If they aren't, he's be fine standing in front of them so they don't get hurt
- Please boost this man's self esteem, his S/O has gotta compliment him once in a while so he feels appreciated ;^;
- Is definitely one to look for a long term relationship not just a one night stand or month long test run
- Will give his S/O his clothes if they ask him enough times lol
Word count: 746
Authors note: Writing about Kinro was fun ngl (Requests are open and you can request something like this if you'd like!)

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