Chapter Four

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(Harley's POV)
Amy and I were hanging out at the mall today. "John, left the house like three days ago. He had three big suitcases with him too. He hasn't been back." She mention while I was looking through Forever 21. "Really?" I asked. "Yeah, we could go pick the lock and grab the rest of your things. Only if you want though." I thought about it. "Yeah. I'm tired of wearing the same old shitty things." We drove down the road back to John's house. "What's going on?" I asked Amy. "I don't know." There were three moving trucks, three or four cars, and a pizza delivery man. "Let's go see if John is back yet." She nudged. "Nah, it's fine. I can just wear what I have. Can you take me to Chandler's place please?" I asked nervously. "No way! I'm going to see what the hell is going on here." She shut the door and I locked it. Just in case.
This sorta cute guy that looked my age was carrying boxes side the house. He looked over at me. Shit. He saw me. He walked over to the car, knocked on the window and said "Can I help you?" I rolled the window down. "Oh, no. It's just that-" I stopped. "It's just what?" He shot back. "My dad used to live here. Um, John?" He had a confused look on his face. "Oh, well I don't know where you've been, but this is my house. We bought it yesterday." My eyes became weak. I started to cry. "Are you okay?" He asked me. 'Stop crying, Harley.' I tell myself. "Oh um, I have some clothes in my "old" room. Do you mind if I go get them?" I asked the cute guy. "Sure. Mind if I come with?" I got out the door. "Uh, sure. It's your house." I ran up and grabbed everything I needed and wanted. I grabbed Amy and told her to take me "home." "You are home, Harley." I smiled in disbelief. "It's not my house. It's not my dads house." By this time I was crying again. "It's this fucking families house. TAKE ME FUCKING HOME NOW!" I screamed, once in the car. She pulled out of the drive way and without saying a word started to drive. She came to a stop at the exit for the highway. "Here." She told me. I looked up. "What?" I asked. "Get out. You can walk from here. And don't think I'll be here for you when you need a friend." She unlocked the door. "Fine, you worthless piece of shit." I slammed the door and walked along the highway once again.
(Chandler's POV)
I was starting to get worried about Harley, inched she'd been gone for five or six hours. A knocked came from my door. "It's open." It was Harley. She came over to me and sat next to be on my bed. We just stared into each other's eyes for like five minutes. "I love you." She whispered biting her lip. "I love you too." I replied. "My parents trust us, you know." I paused. "They're gone for the night." I winked at her. "Okay. I'll be in here at eight." She smiled and kissed me on the lips.

It was almost eight, when Harley walked in my room. She was in an oversized tee with pajama shorts and her hair, shiny as usual, and not a tangle in. "Your beautiful." I spoke softly. She blushed and smiled. I moved over to the right side, as she climbed in the covers. I put my arm over her. "What cha want to do?" I tilted my head toward the left. "Movie?" She asked. "Sure. Anything you want." We searched through Netflix, and found a movie called 'The Maze Runner.' We sat the holding hands and just watched the movie in peace.
(Harley's POV)
Since earlier, the boy that knocked on the window, wouldn't leave my mind. I couldn't stop thinking about him. Then, here I am with the person I really do love, in his bed; with him. Wait. I don't even know him. I can't like him. I like my boyfriend. Chandler. "What you thinking bout?" He asked. "Oh, nothing. Just into the movie." I lied. "I'm, gonna go pee. I'll be write back." He nodded. I grabbed my phone from my bag and went to the bathroom. I call my mom.
"Hey, mom. How's it going?"
"Good, honey. How's it going for you. I got a call from your dad. He said that you got a boy?"
"Uh, yeah sorta. I guess you could say that. He's names Chandler Riggs. Uh, I don't want to go into detail, but I stayed at his house last night and I'm going to continue to, too. Um, yeah. His parents like me and trust us."
"Oh okay. Well, I'll have to call your dad and ask him about this "Chandler" guy."
"No! Mom, trust me. He's a good guy. Well look, I gotta go. I love you bye." 

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