Chapter 8

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Third POV.

They kept talking, getting to know each other more as the hours passed.

"Hey, Yaoyorozu! You said you don't have music as one of your categories, right? What role in the band do you have?" Kirishima asked, holding Bakugo in place as he leaned on to him. "You can just call me Momo, Kirishima. I am the unofficial manager." She explained.

Bakugo Looked at the time. It was pretty late and he became tired. He liked to sleep earlier than others. Kirishima looked like he enjoyed himself and he didn't want to ruin that, by making him go to bed with him. He just cuddled closer in on him and closed his eyes, just so they could relax and take in the warmth. He listened in on the conversations until it went silent for him.

Kirishima and the others didn't notice and kept talking and laughing. Some minutes later Tokoyami left to his dorm. The rest talked for about 30 minutes, sitting on the floor on beanbags. They had moved to the Music common room. Every couple cuddled into each other. Jiro and Momo. Kaminari and Sero. Kirishima and Bakugo.

Jiro asked Bakugo about their old school. "Hey Softsuki! You remember when you bailed class because some kids talked shit about Sato and those two other guys. I think the names were.. Koda and Shoji. Weren't you guys kind of friends? I think they got into UA too." Jiro thought he had just closed eyes, but when he didn't answer.. "Hey Softsuki, you remember? Kat? ... Is he even awake?" They asked kirishima.

Kirishima looked down at him and could hear small faint snores. Kiri opened his mouth to tell the others that he was asleep, but Bakugo bet him to it. He mumbled something incomprehensible, everyone around him awed at the sleeping beauty. Immediately everybody went silent as the blond mumbled "Shut the fuck up, stupid Deku." 

Only one person in the circle knew who Deku was.

Kirishima had known him for almost his whole life and knew every part of Bakugo's hundred personalities. He smiled as he hadn't heard him curse for a while, but confused by the name. He had never heard of a Deku.

Trying to ignore the anger rising in her, Jiro smiled. He's his old self again, I'll make sure it stays like that. Jiro thought.

Kirishima sat up and sat Bakugo up on his lap. Bakugo wrapped his arms and legs around him, still asleep. "It's getting late. I'll carry Kat up to the dorms and go to bed." He whispered as he stood up, keeping Bakugo close to him. "Yeah, good idea. We should go to bed too, babe." Jiro said standing up.

They all ended up walking to the dorms together. Bakugo still hanging on to Kirishima's upper body.

As they reached the dormitory they split up and the boys went to their dorms and the girls to theirs.

Kirishima POV.

I carried Katsuki to our bed after closing and locking the door. I laid him down and went to the bathroom to take a shower before turning in for the night.

I turned on the water and waited until it was warm enough. I stretched my body, going under the running water. I stood there for a second, letting the water run down on my back. I let the water run down over my skin, not taking use of any products, just to refresh. Sliding my hands through my hair, I twist the tap to cold. I could hear Katsuki yell for me to come. I dried myself and walked out with a towel wrapped around my waist, using another to dry my hair.

Katsuki laid on the bed with his arms wide oped. "Come cuddle and sleep with me." I chuckle as I drop down the towel from my head. I smile at him. "I'll come cuddle. Just let me get some boxers on, hm?" I turned to my closet. "No." Katsuki said as he reached for my arm, yanking me towards him. He hugged my waist, looking half asleep.

... "Hello?" He flinched. "Come here." He said sleepily, to tired to open his eyes. He threw the towel off of me and forced me down on the bed, cuddling close into me. I gave up on trying to get out of his hold and made myself comfortable. "Okay, then."

Right before I fell asleep, my phone screen light up the room. I reached for it and looked at text I received. Mina had finally arrived and got to her dorm. I texted her back.


Hey! I just got here! It's so big and fancy! I've packed out my things in my dorm and about to go to bed. Tell me, what did you do today? Did you have fun with Bakugo.. If you know what I mean ;D


I'm exited to see you tomorrow Mina! We did have fun, but not in the way you are thinking about. And stop the nasty stuff, you nasty.


Okay. If you say so.. But what did you do!?


Nothing special. I stalked my boyfriend. Met some new people, joined a band and at the moment.. At the moment I am naked, cuddled up with Katsuki, who is asleep.


OMG!! WhAt!? A band and naked!?!? How did that happen!!!? 


Is he naked too?


No. He's not naked. I took a shower and when I got out he wanted cuddles. but he didn't let me get dressed. He wanted hugs right away. Threw the towel around me off and forced me on the bed... I feel exposed.

And yess a band, you joined it too.


OMG! That's so cute! And he's your boyfriend, there's no need to feel exposed.

aaaand.... I joined a band?


Yeah, Katsuki was asked to join, said he would only if I would, and I said only if you could... Punk rock leader said yes, so, now we in band. 

and I know i should feel awkward, but like... my dick is out and about.



Also, I tell Toru there's no need to feel exposed or insecure around me. Still, she's super shy. Though I want her to feel safe with me, so I'm kinda stuck. But I think we just gotta get over the awkward relationship start.. She's starting ot warm up.


Who is this 'Toru' I'm hearing about? Miinaaa do you have something to tell mee!?


Well. She's my new girlfriend. Her name is Toru Hagakure. I didn't tell you because, like, it happened recently. I wanted us to be official before I told anyone. We are actually sharing a dorm.


That's awesome Mina! I'm looking forward to meeting her.

but hey, Mina. You know, we should get some sleep. I'll go to bed.


Yeah. That's smart. See you tomorrow. G'night!



I laid my phone down on the table beside me. Time to sleep then.. I drag Katsuki closer to me and let the darkness consume me. 

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