Chapter 17

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Kirishima POV.

I really don't want Katsuki to be alone with Uraraka, but it was a good plan so I let it slide. I were hiding begind a tree, waiting for them to get here. The others were silently waiting. 

I heard branched snapping and got ready. I hid behind a tree where they would come from, so I'd see them first. Kat had put a blindfold on her so she wouldn't know where they were. 

He walked her to the middle and asked her to not move. Once he was a good distanse away, he nodded towards me. I nodded back and walked up to Uraraka. I stood behind her, as she didn't notice me. 

Katsuki asked her to take of the bandana. She took it off and her eyes widened about the unexpected crowd. She looked around.

She was about to look behind her, so I was fast to say. "Yeah. Isn't it so nice here?" She jumped so high it looked like she activated her quirk, like a frightened cat. 

I smiled, and pointed to the crowd glaring at her.

Many other people, some being, Jiro, Sero, Katsuki and Aoyama all stood in a half circle. Me and Uraraka in the middle. 

"H-hey guys. Aoyama.. What are you doing here?" She said as she looked over at him. He didn't answer, just stood there with a frown, not many people get to see.

I placed my hand on her shoulder. "You shouldn't play with peoples feelings, you know." I said in a deep voice. She scoffed. "I have no idea what you're talking about." 

"Oh shut your face, Uraraka! You fucked with us all!" A girl yelled from the front of the group. 

"Mhm! Tell me why you tried breaking up me and Katsuki. Or tell me why you spread out the rumor about me and Kami, and what about that picture? Or... What about when you called me a fag cause I'm gay."

She looked at me with big eyes and smirked. "So what if I did all those things? You don't have proof. And yeah you are a fag. You all are faggots, except you Yugababy. I know everything about you." She said with a sickening smile at the end. "Allthough, Iida, what are you doing here?"

Aoyama narrowed his eyes and lost all the sparkles in his eyes. Looking like he was about to kill someone. "Well for a fact Uraraka. I am gay. Iida is my boyfriend too. You know nothing about me. Go get your bitchy ass out of my life. We are not friends anymore."

She looked surprised and shocked. "Whatever. You rats are disgusting. I'm outta here." She said and turned around. I stopped her. She was stopped in every direction she tried to go. 

"Let me go you bitchy faggots!" She yelled. I nodded toward a tree. She looked confused at me and Mina came out of her hiding spot. She held her phone up, recording the whole thing.

"I guess we do have proof. And I will post the video if you keep up with your witchcraft. Stop with your bitchy attitude, stop being so homophobic, stop trying to break up people's relationships." Mina said, as she ended the recording.

"Just cause you have a video doesn't mean you can stop me!" Uraraka yelled. "Then you don't mind us sharing it with the school."

I walked to Mina and leaned my arm on her shoulder. "NO!"

I looked at back at Kat again, for approval. He gave me a small nod. "Mina, can you please start another recording?" I asked. She pressed play and positioned the camera to her again.

"And you promise you won't try to break up any type of relationship between anyone on this school ever again?" I Said. "Yes." She nodded. "And do you promise to never manipulate anyone ever again and harrasing other people for their sexuality, and or nationality, disabilities, religion, gender, home situation, family, skin color, age and belief?" I said, trying not to forget anything.

To each basis for discriminating against someone, i looked at the different people filling to surroundin crowd. Her having done all of that. "Yes, yes, yes. I promise, all that."

"Hm. Am I forgetting anything?" I asked looking at the others. "No. I think that was all." Kat said. "Should we let her go now?" I wondered and she slowly walked away backwards. 

"But remember. We have a video of you admitting everything you have done, and a video contract where you promise to never do such things again. If we ever hear of something like this again. We won't hesitate to post this." I warned her.

She just started running. When we didn't see her anymore, I let out a breath. So did the others, as I went over to Kat. He grabbed my arm and pulled me down for a kiss, when he parted he jumped on me and into a hug.

I squized him and walked back to our dorm with my arm over him. "I can't believe that actually worked." He said.

"Me neither." I said and chuckled. "Let's just go back home." I said and kissed his cheek. "Which one? Yours, mine, our dorm?" 

He smiled. "None of them."

"...Then.. Where?"

"Home is no place, home is a feeling, I have that when we're together....

Home is with you."

We all walked back to the dormitory as me and Mina looked over the video again. "I'll transfer it to a flash drive once we get back... we can definately do some blackmailing with this, bro."

We walked inside and split up to our rooms in the facility. All headed with their beloved one or meeting them once back.

When me and Katsuki reached our door, I pushed Kat in. I leaned int him and closed the gap between us. Kat walked backwards into the bathroom, heading for the shower, not breaking contact once.

He stripped his clothes and so did I. Kat smiled as he went in the shower, dragging me with him. We stood there, holding each other.

"I know that were still very young, but." Kat stopped, looking down. Slowly getting down on one knee.

"Home Is With You." (Kiribaku)Where stories live. Discover now