Chapter 13

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Bakugo POV. 

I still feel eyes on me.

Suddenly my stomach drops, shivers run down my spine. Someoe's plannig to kill me, I'm sure. I looked at at Eijiro again. "Hey, Eiji? Can we move to somewhere else? Please." I frantically search for anyone looking, feeling as if there's a body hanging of my shoulder. A weight that wasn't there before. 

Arms hugging my neck, squizing my throat.

"Hey, Babe? Come look at me. What is it?" He cupped my cheeks. 

"I have a bad feeling. Something's on me, I can feel a presence." I said fast and tugged at my shirts collar. His face changed to a understanding and protecting one. "It's ok. We can go. Do you want to go to the coffee shop? It's not far from here? Or maybe home to me? We can all go." He asked. 

I could see the others was concerned about me. "Uhh. We can go to the coffee shop and then to yours." I said and felt relieved, still a shadow on my back. I'm sure if I can look, there would be a black blob clinging to me.

"Ok. I'll buy you a nice coffee. And the other can come too?" He stood up and took my hand, making me follow his moves, feeling a pressure in the back of my neck, hurting. "Yeah, sure, you can tag along." I grabbed my blanket and we headed to the café. 

Eijiro held my hand all the way to the coffee place. I tried cracking the bubbles, but I couldn't reach my fingers. I just played with his hand instead. Though each time, he squeezed my hand, taking my attention as I unconsciously stopped.

While the girls picked us a table, E iji and I went to order our drinks. There was only a few people there, but many of them looked weird at us. We didn't wear anything other then pajamas and slippers. And I dragged a blanket around me, looking tired as fuck. Eijiro noticed too and glared at them, making them uncomfortable enough to look away. 

We sat down and waited for our drinks to be brought to us, eventually I calmed, the wieght forgotten, and therefore vanished.

The doors suddenly opened with a burst and there stood three people looking around. I couldn't see them properly, but I could see purple hair and took a wild guess it was Kyoka. 

She had Momo and Kouji (Koda) dragging behind her, looking out of breath. They spotted me and ran up to us. "Hey, Kyoka. What are you doing here?" I stood up and hugged her as she caught her breath again. "Well, one. Guess who I found while looking for you, back at the dorms." 

"Uh. You found Koji." I said pointing at him, waving him to come over. 

"Yeah, I found Koda. And the other reason why I'm here. Someone told me you went here after what seem like a little panick attack or something, so I got worried." She sat me down and examined me. "Uh. I didn't have a panick attack. I just got a weird feeling and almost hyperventilated for a second." I said with a smile, as if that normaly happened. 

I quickly glanced at Eijiro, looking zoned out. I tilted my head to the side and went back to the convo with Kouji and Kyoka. 

Kirishima POV. 

Jiro examined Katsuki as he said something making the scene before sound like nothing. Then I zoned out, thinking about what happened earlier. Now that I think about it, I did feel someone stare at us. Kat was right.

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