Chapter 15

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Kirishima POV.

Oh no. No no no no no! The whole school can see this! Katsuki is going to see this. I have to get his phone before he sees it!

Another notifications pinged in, message from Kat, plus a picture. I klicked on it.

Kitty ❤️:

*photo from twitter*
What is all this about? Is this now? I thought you went to grab something from the café. What the fuck do they mean by 'Cheaters or no' ????

Eijiro 😎:

I swear babe! I can explain it! Just let me get up first.

Kitty ❤️:


I felt guilt wash over me. "Uhm. I- I need to go. We should just tell them. Katsuki has already seen the picture. Gotta run." I hurriedly ran to the doors. I jumped in and pushed the button on the elevator.

I ran towards out dorm door and shook the handle. Locked, of course. I took our my door card and swiped it, and barged through.

He wasn't there. I looked in the bathroom and kitchen area. Nowhere to be seen. Where did he go? I thought as I sat down on the sofa.

If I was Katsuki right now I wouldn't want to be alone. Maybe with Jiro? Yeah she's his best friend. He's probably there, being comforted or something. 

I ran back to the elevator and straight to the floor beneath.

Jiro POV.

Me and Momo was cuddling in our bed, watching a movie on the tv. She had her arm around my waist as I played with her long black hair. She yawned and I chuckled. "Getting tired I see. Just sleep baby." She tightened the grip she had around me and smiled.

A lound knock came from the door. I grouned and Momo sighed. "I'll take it." I said and sat up, she doing the same. She walked to our mini kitchen and got a water bottle.

I walked to the door and opened it. Katsuki, surprising me as he stood there in his grey blanket and a blank expression. He looked dead, small tears filling his eyes.

"Hey, what is it? Come in." I made way for him. I looked in the hallway, unsure what I was looking for. He sat down on the bed with his legs crossed. I sat down beside him as Momo asked me what it was, I shrugged my shoulders.

Kat looked up at me and I could see his tear stained face. He didn't say anything, only looked at me with sad and pleading eyes.

Momo sat beside me and showed me her phone. A picture of Kiri and Kami kissing was all over Twitter. Omg, I'm going to kill that dude. I hugged Kat and he burst out in tears.

He curled up in a ball and layed his head in my lap. I rubbed his back and pet his head. He soon became silent and I could hear faint snores. I smiled a little. Like a little cat. Kiri better come here and explain, but he has to go through me, before anything.

On que a knock at the door sounded. Momo stood up and opened, there stood Kirishima with a sad and guilty face. He looked up from the floor and saw Kat in my lap.

He was about to say something, but I hushed him down. He whispered. "I need to talk to Katsuki. It's really important." He said.

"And what makes you think I will let you talk to him, he came here crying. also, what the fuck is up with that picture!?" I looked at him and down at Kat. I shook my head in disappointment.

"I get that you're mad at me, but you have to let me try to make amends. Let me explain it for him." He said as he moved closer, sitting down on the floor in front of Kat. 

He raised one hand and laid it on top of Katsuki's. He stirred. 

I hesitated, but I felt that Kirishima had a valid explanation. "Fine, but let me talk to him first, ok? You can talk with him when I'm done." Kirishima nodded and left out the door.

Momo locked the door and came to the bed, sitting on the other side of Katsuki, him between us. He opened his eyes and sat up.

"Hey. Do you want to talk about what happened?" I said and he nodded and explained the situation. He told about kirishima "forgetting" somethings at the cafe, the twitter post and the texts.

"After I sent the last message I started crying, I knew he would come up, so I left." He had tears in his eyes again and frantically rubbed them away.

I took his hand away from his eyes and made him to look at me. "Are you sure that what the picture shows is true? Just because the picture shows one thing dosen't mean that it was what really happened. Maybe it's just a big misunderstanding." I say.

"That's true. I can't be sure that they actually kissed, but it really looks like it. Regardless if he even like me or not, I would like to hear what happened. The real story." He said. "So would you like to listen to Kirishima explain to you?"

"Yeah, of course." He said with a hoping face. "Momo, will you open the door please?" I asked my girlfriend.

"Sure." As she opened the door Kat rubbed his eyes on last time and Kiri came in.

"We'll leave your two alone for a bit." I said and dragged Momo down to the kitchen to make some food while they talked. 

Bakugo POV.

Eijiro came through the door and knelt I front of me. I looked at him, the door closing bbehind Kyoka. Now it was just us two. "Ok. Let me tell you everything. The whole truth. Before that I have to let you know that I love you, no matter what." He said and leaned in for a kiss. 

"I love you too." 

He explained everything. He didn't leave out one little detail. It kept flooding out, It didn't look like he got enough air too keep going, but he did anyways.

"And that's all. I think." I was pretty shocked by the new info, but that he told me the truth, meant the world to me. I didn't say anything, what was I supposed to say?

"Kat? You aren't mad ar-" I interrupted him with a deep kiss, it was all I managed to do. Now I know who it was, I know the person who tried to break us up. He was going to pay. I just needed a good plan, and I have the perfect idea.

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