The secret

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Y/m/n= your middle name
⚠️TW mentions of miscarriage ⚠️

It was the day after Christmas you were sat downstairs with everyone.
"Y/n don't forget about tomorrow" dad
"I know dad"
"What's tomorrow?" James
"Come on we've never lied to each other... we'll accept about you and Sirius" James
"Technically we didn't lie we just didn't tell you"
"Fine but what's tomorrow" James
"What's tomorrow?" Sirius
"I think it's time sweetheart" mum
" I know"
"Time for what" James
" it's a full moon.... I'm a werewolf like Remus"
"You are? Why didn't you tell us??" Sirius
" I don't know"
" why didn't you tell me" James
"I don't know"
"Does Remus know?" Sirius

The next day you James and Sirius go out on a walk. You notice the sun is staring to set.
"Go home"
"What" James
"Go home please! Go home stay there"
"What about you" Sirius
"The suns setting go please! I don't want to hurt either of you! Go!!"
"Okay.." James
"Okay... bye darling" he kissed your cheek.

It's a few days later over the past few days you've felt sick. Your lying in bed in the morning after just throwing up (Sirius is still asleep.)
"Morning sweetheart, where you just throwing up" mum
"How long have you felt like that" mum
" a few days..."
" When's your period due" mum
"Right you've still got 5 days of school if you haven't had it in 3 days your taking a pregnancy test" mum
"Try and get a bit more sleep sweetheart" mum
"I'll try"

3 days later and you still hadn't got your period. Sirius and James were downstairs.
"Have you had your period yet?"mum
"Okay.. I've got some tests" mum
"Alright thank you"
You take the test and as your waiting.
"What if I am?"
"It will be okay sweetheart, Sirius loves you anyone can see that" mum
"What about James? He just gotten used to us being together"
"Don't worry about James" mum "it's time"
You look at the test and see the two pink lines.... "I'm pregnant"
"Don't worry sweetheart.... you should tell Sirius" mum

You and Sirius go up to your room.
"What is it darling" Sirius
"I'm pregnant"
"What? Really are you sure?" Sirius
"Yeah" you hand him the test
"I'm going to be a dad?!"Sirius
"What!!" James
"Oh god"
"Y/n y/m/n potter are you pregnant?!!" James
"Yeah... but James listen I've got an idea"
"What?" James
"Right you godfather lily godmother it's like your godmarried"
"And we can go on a goddymoon" James
"No that's taking it to far"
"Does your mum and dad know yet?"Sirius
"Mum knows she suggested I took a test"
"Your going to have to tell dad" James
"Come on we'll tell him together" Sirius sticking his hand out.

"Did you tell him sweetheart" mum
"Yeah James knows as well"
"Knows what" dad
"Umm I-I'm"
"Mum I can't do it can you tell him"
"Okay sweetheart, you sure" mum, you nod "Y/n's pregnant"
"Dad please don't be mad think about it it's your first grandchild you'll be a grandad"
"Yeah I'm going to be a grandad" dad
"How's James so calm?" mum
"They bribed me" James
"Did you really bribe him?" Dad
"Kind of" Sirius
"We told him we'd make him and lily godparents then it would be like they were godmarried"
"But he took it to far by saying they could go on a goddymoon"Sirius
"Thanks guys" James
"No problem" y/n+ Sirius

Your back on the train going to Hogwarts.
"Remus.. y/n and Sirius are together" James
"I know" Remus
"You know?" James
"Yeah, I've know that y/p liked him since she broke up with y/p ex" Remus
"Why didn't you tell me?!" James
"It's down to y/n" Remus
"Can I tell him" Sirius
"Tell me what" Remus
"Y/n's pregnant" Sirius
"What?! Congratulations" Remus he hugged you and Sirius.
"Is it still safe to transform?" Sirius
"I don't know..?"
"They know?" Remus
"Yeah I told them"

Your first defence against the dark arts lesson after Christmas. James comes in and sits down. You and Sirius start laughing.
"What, what's so funny?" James
"Nothing.." bursting out laughing
"Tell me!" James
"Mr potter something you'd like to share with the class"
"I would but they wouldn't tell me" James
"What's so funny?" Remus
You whisper into his ear " me and Sirius had sex there"
"Oh merlin" Remus laughing
"Right tell me!" James
Sirius whispered into his ear "me and y/n had sex there"
"For god! sake" James "sir! Can I move seats"
"Fine mr potter"
He sits on the other side of Remus. You and Sirius start laughing again.
"Am I safe anywhere?! Use a bed for god sake" James
"Pretty difficult with you and Remus in the dorm"
"Serious question is there an open seat that I'm safe" James
You and Sirius look around. And nod no and start laughing.
"Why?!" James
"Mr potter that's a detention for you"

You and Sirius try to hold in your laughter. That year at Hogwarts Remus got into a photography phase. It was after you'd finished classes for the day your back was up against the wall, Sirius hands were around your waist you were kissing. You noticed Remus taking photos and start smiling between kisses. James got to the corner near Remus.

"How long they been kissing?" James
"About 10 minutes" Remus between photos
"10 minutes?!" James

About a month later you were writing home as you usually do the letter said:
Mum, I've had a miscarriage. How do I tell Sirius and James they both seemed so happy, once they git used to it. I know I'm going to have to tell them, Remus was in the dorm when it happened so he knows. I miss you,
Love y/n

You tell Sirius and James that night. Sirius couldn't help but think it was his fault for some reason.
"Sirius, it was definitely not your fault it just happened"
"You sure" Sirius
"Okay" Sirius

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