12 years later..

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He'd escaped. You didn't know how to feel the love of your life who you hadn't seen for 12 years had escaped. Was he okay? What made him escape after 12 years? Did he want to see you? Will you finally be able to tell him about the twins?

It was the first time in 12 years you had been alone properly, Remus started teaching at Hogwarts and left with the twins, who were in their second year.

A few months later, Remus had sent you a letter saying Sirius was at Hogwarts and the dementors were going to give him the dementors kiss. Remus also told you he was coming back. Was this really it he escaped only to suffer a fate worse than death? We're you really not going to see him ever again?

You stood in the kitchen cleaning up, you glanced out the window and saw him stood there looking at you the way he did all those years ago. You dropped everything in your hands and ran out and jumped into his arms.
"Sirius!!" Your emotions got the better of you and started crying. "H-how Remus told me the dementors-"

"Harry and Hermione saved me"
You kissed him, you've been waiting for the day you'd get to see him, hug him, kiss him tell him you loved him again.

"I can't believe your actually here"

"I can't either darling"
Both of you went into the house, Sirius saw a picture of you and the twins.
"How old are they?"
"Are they mine?"
"Of course they are."
"W-what are their name?"
"That's Delilah Lily Black, and that's Lorelei Molly Black"
"They look just like you."
"Yeah except Lorelei has you hair"
"I-I'm sorry I wasn't here"
"It's not your fault love, your here now"
"W-where you alone?"
"No Remus helped a lot and so did Molly Weasley that's why Lorelei's middle name is Molly"
"Oh, I wish I was here"
"So do I but at least your here now... your going to have to wait till they get back from Hogwarts to meet them"
"I know.. did you tell them about me?"

You set off for Kings Cross, Sirius didn't sleep all night worried and excited to meet them.
"It'll be okay love, they'll love you!"
"You sure"
"Positive" "now I better get going we'll be back soon okay"
"Okay darling" you kissed him goodbye

"Now before we go in.. your dad's here"
"He is?" Delilah
"Yeah.. do you want to go meet him"
"Yes!" Both of them
"Come on then"
As you walked in the house, Sirius got tears in his eyes. They ran over to him and hugged him, your heart skipped a beat. You left them to talk as you made food.
"They want to know if we have any photos of us when we were younger"

"Oh umm I have the ones that Remus took in our 5th year when he was into photography I'll go find them"

You find the photos and bring them down and see them laughing the brightest smile lit up your face.
"Did you find them?" Lorelei
"Let's see!" Delilah
"Wow mum you look just like me and Lorelei"

That night you and Sirius lying down in bed.
" I wish I was able to see them when they were tiny and watch them grow up"
"Me too my love.."

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