Twin lauguage

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It was coming up to yours and James' birthday. Sirius planned a date for the morning/ early afternoon. The date was going amazingly, you started walking around the black lake and then up near where you had your first date. He handed you a box.

"Y/n darling, I know we're to young to get engaged, but I know I want to spend the rest of my life with you

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"Y/n darling, I know we're to young to get engaged, but I know I want to spend the rest of my life with you. So I got you this promise ring." Sirius
"Oh love, I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I love you"
"I love you too!" Sirius
You kiss softly yet passionately.
"Can we prank James and Remus"
"How" Sirius
"Pretend we got engaged"
"We can prank Remus but James knows it's a promise ring" Sirius

You find Remus and James in the great hall.
"Remus guess what"
"What?!" Remus
"We're engaged!"
"Really!! Can be your Maid of honour?"
" I feel bad now" Sirius
"Me too"
"Why" Remus
"We're not engaged"
"It's a promise ring" Sirius
"Oh" Remus
"But hey when we do get engaged you can be my man of honour"
"I can?" Remus
"Of course!"
You were listing to Bohemian Rhapsody with the marauders.
"It goes on forever..... 6 bloody minutes" James
"I pity lily if you think 6 minutes is forever" you wink at Sirius. You all burst out laughing.

"I have y/n's diary" James
"We shouldn't read that" Sirius
"Honey honey how he thrills me ah ha honey honey" James
"James" Remus
"Honey honey how he nearly kills me ah ha honey honey."
"What are you going"
"Nothing!" James as he threw the diary to Remus

"I've heard about him before I wanted to know some more and now I know what they mean he's a love machine" Remus then he threw it to Sirius
"Oh how he makes me dizzy!""Honey honey let me feel it ah ha honey honey
"Fine I'll read it!" "Honey honey don't conceal it ah ha honey honey they way you kiss good night they way you hold me tight I feel like I wanna sing when you do your.... THING" "Happy now?"
"Very funny!"

You pull a prank on Snape by charming a shampoo bottle to follow him around all day.
"Can I just say this is probably the best one yet!" James
"Your welcome"
"What? Why" James
" I came up with it"
"No you didn't" James
"Yes I did!"
"Pads! Moony!!"James
"We're right here!" Remus
"Oh yeah" James
"Jesus James"
"Who came up with this prank me or y/n" James
"Oh for god sake James"
"Y/n" Sirius and Remus
"Thank you"
"Fine you get this one" James

You were sat in your dorm doing homework sat on Sirius lap sat at the desk.
"Your staring"
"What" Sirius
"I can't concentrate when your staring"
"But your so cute when your concentrating" Sirius
Butterflies rise up in your stomach. You blush.
"What it's true no need to blush."Sirius
"Y/n, y/n" Sirius poking your cheeks
"What! I'm trying to do my homework"
"Will you help me with mine" Sirius
"Fine! When I've finished"
"Thank you" Sirius kissed your cheek

"Go flirt with Sirius" James
"It's funny watching him when you flirt with him" Remus
"Tonight I'm gonna give you all my love in the backseat" you winked at him
Sirius started blushing and getting flustered. He whispered back in your ear.
"Gonna speed it down and slow it up in the backseat"
You whisper back. "Shall we?"
"Let's go" Sirius
You walk out kissing.
"Hey! That's not- oh for god sake" James
"That didn't work out how you wanted to did it" Remus
"No it didn't, not at all moony" James

That summer you and Sirius were going through all your stuff and throwing out whatever you didn't need or want.
"You don't need this do you" Sirius
"What is it?"
"A piece of paper with a bunch of random letters on" Sirius
"Don't think so, if it's just random letters"
Sirius ripped up the paper. That's when you remembered what it was.
"Sorry you said you didn't need it" Sirius
"It's fine I just remembered what it was"
"I'll fix it I'm sorry"Sirius
"It's okay"

Sirius left the room, and came back with it sellotaped together.
"Thank you"
"So what is it" Sirius
"Me and James did it in our first year using our 'twin language'"
"What's it say"Sirius
"It's our dream weddings"
"Oh that's cute. Tell me yours"Sirius
"Okay but first. James wrote he wants to marry lily"
"Okay that's pretty cute" Sirius
"Still going to annoy him with it"
"As you should, now tell me yours" Sirius
"Wait lily put he wanted to marry lily who did you want to marry?" Sirius
"Ummm you"
"🥺 carry on"Sirius
"The cake would be three tiers, 3 bridesmaids and my maid of honour, burgundy bridesmaids dresses, roses and sunflowers for bouquets"
"That sounds amazing" Sirius
"Really? That was when we were 10/11"
"Still" Sirius

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