Chapter Six - Midnight Traveler

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Chapter Summary: Your discovery of the truth about the world, including everything you have come to know, shatters your heart.

(Past Time Period) Chapter 4 Recap: You had spent a romantic night in Abergele Market with Kylo, and he ended up taking your virginity for the first time in a secret pleasure house in a chocolate shop called The Queen's Chocolate Candle. After you finished and went to a little restaurant called Kitty's Kitchen, unfortunately, things had gone awry when Alexander and his men arrived, resulting in him nearly taking you and torturing you and your Commander. The young Prince Beaumont of Oxford ended up being murdered by the Resistance, but through the power of some miracle in the universe, the Resistance also managed to rescue you, which ultimately saved you from an inevitable demise at the hands of Alexander. However, now you were sitting in this strange vehicle, supposedly known as a black 1980s Mercedes, driving away from the only place you called home.

Chapter Song: Bad Enough, by NIGHT TRAVELER♥️

"I'll lay it on the line now, honey

You're the one that I love

I'm right by your side

When the times get so tough

Hate we had to leave

You loved that midtown rush

Quiet in the hills (quiet in the hills)

Don't you think twice I'm telling you we'll make it here..."

Chapter Warnings: heavy mentions of politics (including oppression and discrimination), some acts of violence through the use of blasters, tranquilizer poisoning, emotions of panic, recollection of past trauma, unprotected piv sex (oral sex if you squint), issues and angst between kylo and his family

Chapter VI - Midnight Traveler

22 November 1810

Outside, you kissed Stanley on the nose, untying him and telling him to run on home, back to his barn. He nuzzled into you, neighing jubilantly, and before long he was on his merry trotting way.

Once Stanley arrived back at his home, he wanted to go into his barn, plop down onto the ground, and munch on some of his favorite hay.

And that's exactly what he did.

But unfortunately, after he was alone eating for a while, he heard a large explosion coming from the same direction he came home from. Where she was, his loyal friend.

Where you were.

He was now too worried about her to keep consuming his yummy hay pile.

So he pulled himself up, and trotted over to the front door of her home, beginning to knock his face and nose into the door of the Williams' residency, neighing loudly to let everyone in her home know he wanted to get their attention.

If anything, his behavior more closely resembled an eager, worried puppy.

Stanley heard some yelling in the home, maybe a few expletives in there, coming from her parents and sisters angrily quarreling at his noises. It was the middle of the night, and it was likely he had just woken them. But everyone in the house was still awake, though.

Eleanor finally swung open the door, and her blonde curls bounced as she greeted Stanley.

"Oh, hello Stanley! You heard that scary noise, too, huh boy?" she asked him in a tone that almost mocked a baby, fully knowing that he was not going to respond. But alas, he was shivering and likely terrified.

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