Chapter Two - Clandestine Affair

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Chapter Summary: While keeping it a secret from your family, you meet Ren in the piano room for an exhilarating experience...

(Past Time Period) Chapter 1 Recap: You attended your father's ball for his fiftieth birthday, but instead of only experiencing a fun celebration, a smarmy Prince from Oxford by the name of Alexander Beaumont decided to propose to you. In utter tears and distress, you ran away from the scene, only to encounter a completely different man by the name of Commander Kylo Ren. To your greatest surprise, you wholly became entranced with him, and had every intention to see that mysterious, alluring man once again.

Chapter Song: illicit affairs, by Taylor Swift♥️

"Look at this idiotic fool that you made me

You taught me a secret language

I can't speak with anyone else

And you know damn well

For you I would ruin myself

A million little times..."

Chapter Warnings: explicit smut, fingering, male masturbation, no piv sex, inappropriate use of the force

Chapter II - Clandestine Affair

01 October 1810

A few minutes after Kylo left, you regained your composure, mind occupied and overflowing with a colossal ocean of emotions. He had danced with you, treated you like a princess, and comforted you during your emotionally charged outburst after Prince Alexander unjustifiably asked for your hand in marriage.

Walking out into the corridor leading back to the ballroom, your hands were trembling, and every single one of your nerves was on fire. How would you explain your way out of such a stupid fucking situation? And now, now you had to go face your entire family, unsure of how they would even act around you.

You found your family sitting at the table, instantly met with impertinent glances from at least ten guests in the vicinity. Alexander was nowhere to be found. Besides them, it seemed as though many people had left by this hour since it was quite late.

"We are leaving for our home. At once," your mother chirped as you were just beginning to take your seat. "After that display of yours tonight, I will put up with no more of your foolery and disobedience to this family."

Feeling dejected, you complied with her request, as did your father and sisters. They were all upset with you, their emotions practically a persistent odor lingering in the air.

Making your way out of the lavish room, into the dark corridor, outside onto the cobbled pathway leading to your comfortable home, and all the way through the small garden leading up to the steps, you briefly wondered how you would meet Commander Ren in two days.

Stepping into your home, you decided words were of no use. You decided to head up the stairs immediately with the hope your family would be in a better state of mind come dawn.

You left Eleanor's necklace on a dresser adjacent to the staircase.

"Before you go to bed, you must know that tomorrow you will be apologizing to Prince Alexander over breakfast in the morning," your father finally spoke. "We invited him over as he came into town for you. Make sure you are dressed modestly, and you must wear the wedding ring."

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