Chapter Four - Chocolate

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Chapter Summary: Your evening with Kylo is sweet, like chocolate, up until a hidden enemy destroys it.

(Past Time Period) Chapter 3 Recap: Wholeheartedly, you rejected Beaumont's proposal and the entire idea of marrying him by tossing the ugly ring he gave you onto your plate, after hearing him incessantly babble about how you'd essentially be a trophy for him to show off to the world. He insulted your entire existence, and it seemed as though your parents did nothing to advocate for your side. In Kylo's Point of View, you learned that he'd been preparing for his most important mission yet, working in cahoots with Supreme Leader Snoke. But his Angel began to make his role increasingly difficult as she has captivated his heart as well, and as a result, he couldn't help but fuck himself, all the while thinking about her gorgeous pussy.

Chapter Song: Runaway, by AURORA♥️

"And I was running far away

Would I run off the world someday?

But now take me home

Take me home where I belong

I got no other place to go

Now take me home

Take me home where I belong

I got no other place to go..."

Chapter Warnings: very explicit smut, piv smut, virginity kink, size kink, oral sex (both female and male receiving), inappropriate use of the force, violence and fear at the end, explosions, sexual assault and degrading language (not by kylo)

Chapter IV - Chocolate

21 November 1810

It had already been about two months since you returned back to your home after sneaking away and essentially telling that blonde scoundrel to kindly, "fuck off," but throughout the time you'd been back, your parents were still irate with you. Your mother would under no circumstances talk to you or even look in your general direction.

Luckily, they eventually warmed up to you.

But you couldn't help but wonder why Prince Alexander Beaumont had been acting so odd around your family, but especially you. It was as if you were a plague he needed to avoid at all costs, or he was keeping something from you. But you paid it no mind after awhile, assuming he was just a weird person who had weird mannerisms.

You didn't expect this to hurt you as much as it did, but you were the adopted child of the family. You had always felt inferior compared to Eleanor and Louisa, both of whom were biological children of your parents, Arthur and Barbara Williams.

Especially right now, you were really hurting. The malicious voice in your head suggested that maybe your parents didn't love you. Maybe Kylo would never love you, either.

At this moment, your sisters were the only people you could trust, and you couldn't be more grateful for them.

Quietly you cried, pondering a myriad of painful questions, sitting in your room on your bed, watching outside the window next to your bed. It was a chilly November morning, leaves falling from trees, and small freezing rain droplets occasionally landing on your skin.

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